people get real defensive of their designs ...... I totally get it .... but ... here's the thing .... if you put something out there ... it's going to get copied ... the pedal industry alone is 95% that .... so unless you have the grounds for a patent .... and the money to keep it .... you're...
I couldn't agree more .....
Thing with those ... for me anyway ... would be the liability of someone sticking a screwdriver in there and frying their aorta shut ....
hard to do with a 9 volt or 18 volt pedal ... or the IPA that gets up to 34 volts ... lol
In his defense ....... being a great builder doesn't exactly make you good at customer service .... especially if you're busy as F-ck or the opposite ... lol
I get questions all the time .... where I just shake my head ..... BUT ...... I do .. do my best to answer as professionally as I can...
I gave away like 10 shirts a couple of years ago ..... I've had a bunch of people ask since .... I've priced them out a few times .... they're not cheap unless you're buying a lot ... and I don't want to charge someone 35.00 for a T-shirt
All my guitars have their caps in them .... all the Gibsons have pre wired harnesses .... they use 18 Ga bus wire for the grounding ... the more the mass on grounding usually the quieter something is ... if designed to do so anyway ..
dude .... hi gain lead tone .... roll back the tone all the way on a neck humbucker ...... total liquid "woman tone "
add a Green Ringer to the front of that ....and you've got a bad ass synth type lead tone that will slice through any mix
I tried them for the first time maybe 8 or 9 years ago in a Trad Pro I had ..... people can say what they want about tone caps .... there was a difference . in feel and tone ..