There are plenty of hand wired 73s out there. But the catch is that you can't know it from the exterior photos or serial number. You have to pull the chassis to confirm. And unless you're dealing with a real Marshall nerd, that's what you have to do.
I have a real long one to run from my 2x12 in the corner into whichever attenuator I'm using and then regular 6' ones from each amp I then plug into the same attenuator.
I saw a fair (at best) condition '74 1959 at the Scottsdale GC today for (IIRC) $3599 today. Eff no. It was pretty beat. And even if all original components and circuit, that price is out of line. I think it's going to sit there a while.
In May of 2023 I was at Gruhn's in Nashville and saw...
Same amp tech I mentioned above showed me a Marshall Major someone had bought at a yard sale for a song. Turned out to have been totally hacked up, almost no original parts or circuit left other than headshell and chassis (drilled). But again, he got it for a song, so no real harm done. And...
Isn't he using a Friedman BE100 these days? I saw him play at the ESP booth at NAMM about eight yrs ago and that's what he was using. Still sounded killer, but you can't crank things up at NAMM.
My amp tech today showed me the chassis of a '73 Marshall 1987. The headshell was very clean and looked original. Tag board had Rosemary's signature on it. BUT ..... it had been converted to 6L6s, the PT had been replaced and it was a PCB. You'd know none of that from photos of the head with...
Totally agree. This is how I roll. I did snag a '72 Marshall 1987 with no gut shots, but I knew the seller was the deceased's mother and she said he'd had it forever and it was priced right. Turned out to be all original. If it'a a JCM2000 DSL for $250, I'll take my chances and deal with...
I'm an EVH fanboi.
I've had a few Wolfs, Peavey and EVH. Last one was the Wolf Standard in bomber/matte black. $499 new at GC a few years ago. That guitar was awesome and was as loud as an acoustic when unplugged. But I had to thin the herd a bit.
I love my CV-75s. I have one with a V30 in an Avatar 2x12 and it sounds fantastic. I also have one in my Mojotone 2204 combo kit clone. Love, love, love it.
$2400 PP'ed & shipped to lower 48.
I have under six hours of playing time on this, just cannot handle the weight - 9.8 lbs - while standing up for band work. Other than the totally badass Wolfetone Dr. Vintage pickup I put in the bridge (stock Burstbuster included in sale) and the...
They played at my sister's senior prom before they hit it big. I got in line behind them at a hot dog stand at the Fairfax County Fair about eight yrs. later. Aaron is a badass drummer.
This amp was my first build and I put identical components in mine. It gets compliments by all who hear it. Tone of the gods. You cannot be disappointed in this amp, other than it being loud enough to kill small animals.