I bought a timeline 10 0r so years ago.
Sounded great, but to much stuff.
I like simple.
This pedal actually looks cool.
I'm sure it sounds good.
The small clip sounds good.
I have a warmth on one of my Kramers.
I love it, but the first thing I did was take it to Guitar works and have it plecked and setup.
So I can't say how ready the neck was ?
I do know Warmoth is a authorized Fender replacement company.
What about Stratosphere online ?
I'm sure you can buy an...
I'd give you five stars .
But I bought in person.
I'm still rocking the speakers I got from you.
I can't remember now what ones they were though ?
I have too many.
Rock on 🤘
Years ago I posted guitarists you just can't like but others seem to love ?
They suspended me.
After that I said f this place and never went back.
Bunch of self righteous pansies !
Here are the combos and speaker cabs I have
Marshall 1960 A v30 h30 70th in x pattern 16 ohm
Ross 4x12 4 lnchbacks 50 watt 8ohm
Trace Elliot 4x12 v30,s bottom 25 watt greenbacks top 16 ohm
Ubercarb v30 gt75 x pattern 16 ohm
Bogner slant all v30
Old carvin 4x12 75 cream backs bottom evh...
Rick does I believe.
He works now with another guy in Seattle.
Aviator Audio.
They are slow and always busy.
You could Google them call and talk to Rick.
Most the time he will talk shop and is very knowledgeable, but busy as well.
He also built Flanders for Queensryche as well as a few others...
He has his place in music, he wrote and co wrote many great songs.
He lost me with his Meh statement about king Edward !
He couldn't play one vh tune if his life depended on it.
Ed on the other hand could have played anything Crosby did.
I think Crosby had a way of putting his foot in...
Funny post !
So when I was 18 I had a late 60's Fender Bassman that my mom's bf modded for me. ( Rick Erickson is his name he built the flanger you hear in Hearts Baricuda,
Modded , amps for Queensryche, Green River, Mother Love Bone, Pearl Jam ect ect ect. )
So he made it amassed volume added...
I also have a 101b and a Helios.
I love them both.
They respond to speakers quite a bit.
The 2 combinations I like with the Helios
Are v30 in the bottom and 25w greenback in top and v30 and cream back 75 in an x.
The clean on the plexi low input is sweet on the Helios.
Of coarse on the high side...