Well-known member
Aside from spending weeks prototyping the whiskey, I loved the Duncan RTM so much, I spent some time planning specs for the WD Forte model. This was my first stab at it My fist impression is that the RTM has more low end and a little more wool.on single note lead tones. It can get a little woofy in the low end. I'd like like to get just a we bit more saturation and some of that wool on the lead tones but keep the low end a little more reigned in. I plan on winding another with about 200 more winds per bobbin. Is at 17.4k A2 while the RTM is 18k A2. The RTM has a resonant peak of 4.4.k. I can only get mine about 4.7k, whereas the JB is 5.5k. Adding capacitance is hard hand winding without getting too loose.
Duncan should really make this a full production model nits so much better than the JB
Thoughts? Suggestions? Feedback?
Duncan should really make this a full production model nits so much better than the JB
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