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  1. J

    Show me what you’re building

    Looks awesome! I've been wanting to build something very similar but with a reverse headstock and a Floyd. Who was the ebay seller for the neck? They did the relic?
  2. J


    San Dimas and explorer for me…damn, this explorer gas has come on strong.
  3. J

    friedman post phase master design

    I have an original SL67, do you guys know if could just rewire the master using the existing mv double pot? I’ve been debating trying to mod it to mk2 specs myself…it’s cool that Suhr will do it, but I’d prefer to mount the added switches to the back and keep it stock looking.
  4. J

    Bridge Preference

    I've been a 510 fan for awhile, but getting the itch to build something with the Gotoh Floyd. One of my Charvel's has a 510 with the locking Wilkinson saddles, pretty solid and you don't have to bother with cutting off the string ends.
  5. J

    For Sale Suhr SL67 and Fryette PS2A for sale

  6. J

    For Sale Two pair of Gotoh strap locks, chrome - $25 shipped/paypal'd

    Two pair of Gotoh strap locks, chrome - $25 shipped/paypal'd Missing screws on the one pair.
  7. J

    Who wants to learn some Pat Benatar songs with me?

    My band just got a new female singer, Promises in the Dark is #1 on my add list.
  8. J

    Stryper last night

    Damn, they sounded great. My buddy snagged front row tix, awesome show! Michael’s voice was as strong as ever, he played a sweet Sully all night.
  9. J

    Finally got those Celestion G12h 75 Creambacks out of my life NCD

    Ahh, cool. The Suhr cabs are very nice, I had a used one pop up in my local GC that I stupidly didn’t buy. I’ve been running my sl67 through a slant 2061 style cab…it’s like a 3/4 sized half stack lol.
  10. J

    Finally got those Celestion G12h 75 Creambacks out of my life NCD

    Cab is sharp, surprised at the v30s though. Have you tried something greenback-y? I really like scumback m75s and bm75s with my sl67.
  11. J

    Suhr & Wilkinson locking saddles

    These work well, two of my guitars have the locking tuner/locking saddle combo and I’ll never go back to a Floyd. I think the black flanged locking screws are 4mm…and are impossible to find if you drop one onstage, lol.
  12. J

    Do I reallllllllly need Floyds on my guitars going forward?

    I can relate…played Floyd guitars for years when I didn’t really care for them, especially changing strings. I really like the Gotoh 510/locking tuners combo. Stable enough for the occasional evh dive.
  13. J

    Ibanez ATZ10P opinions?

    I tried the Az series when they came out and found the necks a little too chunky. I’d look at the various pro mod Charvels .
  14. J

    Seeking WTB Scumback BM75 65 watt, small dust cap, 16 ohm

    Anyone have an extra or want to sell?
  15. J

    Can you guys simplify in-ear monitor plan and yay or nay?

    Yes, they kind of double as earplugs. I think everybody sharing the same mix would suck but have never tried it.
  16. J

    More than one of the same guitar (brand/model)?

    I've gigged with two of essentially the same guitar (just tuning and pickup config differences) for the last ten years...found it more comfortable and frankly, I fucked up less vs changing scale or body shape every other song.
  17. J

    Roasted Ash

    I have the Charvel roasted ash Guthrie, great wood combo.