That dude in the videos, Jim, nails all the details down to the .0010".
Yes, it was believed to be stock PAF at the 1st record then swapped and rewound after that. A low output pickup into a crazy Marshall can be perfect and a heavy swamp ash body will help in that venture.
I think this gadget will do what you are looking for. This guy is cool and has a great reputation.
I have been to NAMM at least 20 times. We always have a blast. 3 beers in by noon on a Friday. Talk to the dudes that designed the gear. Booth performances from a bunch of great artist and most likely a free all star concert that night.
Two of my friends have been using them for a really long time. They have tube power amps and a bunch of cabinets. Both run in stereo and use a lot of the onboard effects.
Maybe try some pedals in front.
My bassman broke at a jam one time. The drummer had an ugly ass 2x12 Crate combo and a Behringer rack effects unit. Slayed. We had a great jam. I thought I was hot shit with my finely tuned 50 watter and old 4x12. Somebody could have come in and whooped my ass with that thing.
I didn't know that about maple in the pancake. I think maple is the key ingredient to some of those exceptional LPC's. They felt and sounded more solid with a very powerful attack. No comparison the workbench guitar. While I dig and accept what his videos show. There are levels of badassery...
Cool amp! It looks like all the electrolytics have been replaced as well as a few other things. Are those gray caps Radio Spares?
The switcher thing could possibly work for different input combinations like plexi jumpering or cascading stages, etc. It can split, mix, change order.
I have an Axess BS-2 buffer first in the chain splitting the signsl 3 ways. Two for parallel bass and 1 for a tube D.I.
The pedals are a MXR smart gate, TS9 Tubescreamer, Boss DS-1, and Sansamp YYZ.
I am going to get some of that quad speaker cable too. Thanks.
Cool thanks for the input. I caught that about the black coating Bash Man. I've scavenged almost enough G&H and Switchcraft plugs from old cables for the rack.
Please advise on a good choice for bulk cable. I need 150' each of mic and instrument cable. 35 cables left to make. I'm looking at the Canare L-4E6S Quad Mic Cable 21 gauge with the Squareplugs straight TRS connectors for my DAW, monitors and 8-ch mixer.
Is quad the way to go? Is there a dual...
The smartest audio electronics amp forum dude said to just build a Champ 5F1. A power transformer big enough to supply heat and HT for a KT88 and a 10 watt single ended output with some ohms options. That Orange is cool though. A buddy lent me one a couple times.