Hello @glpg80
I use no load boxes. The Master Volume on most of my circuits are user friendly at a whisper. The amp retains its sonic structure when turned up as it is avPost PI Master Volume.
When cranked it does indeed bring out the blooming chords, singing solo lines & familiars Marshall...
My Modified 1989 Les Paul Custom Straight In To My Hopkins Pandora Modified 2203 1980 JMP.
I removed all of the 1989 electronics (Stock Bill Lawrence etc…) & set her up with a 498-T & 490-R single conductor wire in addition to all 500k pots wired 50’s style using single conductor wire &...
You spoke of the Aldrich but I wish to expand upon that modification.
1.) There a variants of his Aldrich mod. Some two channel, a single 3 channel I believe ended up in Hawaii the last I heard. Some with a gain trim pot & some with clippers on the master volume as well.
I owned three of...
Thank you. For sweeps the pick is nearly parallel to the strings. The angle of the pick will travel from parallel to 90* depending on legato, staccato or any other picking style as many patters are used when playing. This in fact is what I am tightening up on as the right hand...
It has been about 18 months since I had Carpal Tunnel surgery on my right hand.
It is just starting to synchronize with my left hand. I have far to go but am making progress. The best way to explain it is to say my right hand feels like the steering wheel when the tie rod has fallen off.?
Definitely a Metal tone. And sounds great at that.
Far from my Pandora mod I’ve been doing for more than 6 years.
Keep the tones coming there are different tones for different ears & techniques.
David Hopkins ?
Thank you @fek
No. I just had the Tone Stack adjusted this way.
@glpg80 asked if I could do a comparison video for three of my circuits. I said I would be very happy to do so. I will make a bit of a project out of it.
The project video will encompass the
1.) Pandora. This will have some of my...
Thought I would post the greater part of the discussion I started with glpg80 for the public to read if interested. I am sure there will be those who disagree with my perspectives but as hard as one tries not everyone will agree.
I settled on what media format each person gets before I return...
Hello glpg80
Thank you for listening & posting. Yes I can work something out for your request.
I am going to be away a few days so give me a few days. I will get it done.
Thanks for the interest.
By the way “takes boosts”. Are you asking for a overdrive on top of this circuit?
Hello Racerxrated
Glad you stopped by to have a listen & post.
It is for this reason I offer very different high gain works (mods).
Thanks again for the great words.