Hopkins AXIS Build on Marshall 1959 Circuit

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I really like your work. It reminds me of a more Marshall type of Fortin bones tone. Very musical and you can tell there’s gobs of sustain under the playing.

Could you do a video showing how well it takes boosts? How dynamic it is? What differentiates the pandora from the axis?
I really like your work. It reminds me of a more Marshall type of Fortin bones tone. Very musical and you can tell there’s gobs of sustain under the playing.

Could you do a video showing how well it takes boosts? How dynamic it is? What differentiates the pandora from the axis?
Hello glpg80

Thank you for listening & posting. Yes I can work something out for your request.

I am going to be away a few days so give me a few days. I will get it done.

Thanks for the interest.

By the way “takes boosts”. Are you asking for a overdrive on top of this circuit?

Yes you got it - level up and gain turned down or minimal to tighten up the low end and balance it out.

A video explaining each mod and how to choose which one would be great. I respect the work you’ve put into an amp and can tell there’s quality.
Yes you got it - level up and gain turned down or minimal to tighten up the low end and balance it out.

A video explaining each mod and how to choose which one would be great. I respect the work you’ve put into an amp and can tell there’s quality.
Thought I would post the greater part of the discussion I started with glpg80 for the public to read if interested. I am sure there will be those who disagree with my perspectives but as hard as one tries not everyone will agree.

I settled on what media format each person gets before I return their amp.

Bulk of discussion below:

Quite a task I am about to take on between completing mod work.

It will take some time as I just upgraded to Windows 10 (I hated it but it seems I am forced to move on to the OS). I am having trouble getting my iPhone to interface with Windows 10 and XP where I can complete a more professional edited production.

I use old XP units for CD recording & mastering productions. These computers have never seen the internet. This way they are not corrupted by required updates to Service Pack 3 (SP3 etc…) so I may continue to use the $15,000 + in software programs I have & not re-purchase for modern operating systems.

It will take some time to get it all lined out to record leveled takes then edit once all systems are able to interface.

The video of the Axis was done on an IPhone with editing software which I may use if I have trouble with media types interfacing XP & Windows 10.

Close (SM57 etc…) & Condenser (Bluebird etc…) mic’s are great for recording actual tracks for CD/albums but I much prefer the phone or laptop recordings for amp demonstrations as they really capture the room. Others still uses old iPhone 5’s & newer for this task.

Below is an example of what I do from Record, Produce to Master then make a music video just as a reference.

Beautiful Fools: Unreleased

Then we have the Axis iPhone Demo

I think you see or rather hear my point. With a SM57 I can make a $300 B52 AT100 sound pretty good. That’s not a honest assessment or representation of the amp based off of a 3-4” part of the speaker cone then being processed. Nor do I like using simulated speaker cabs.

Below are my Core Mods
An * Denotes Availability For Core Mod

I own three amps with my mods in order to assist with the video request listed.

Pandora, Axis & EVL-50. In addition there are some additional Core Mods I can & have done.

I’ll keep you in the loop. Sorry for the pun.


1.) Pandora: Articulation, Hot Rod Plexi

A.) 3 Stage

B.) 4 Stage

C.) Rolled Off Guitar Cleans

D.) Clipper on a Switch

E.) *V-Mod

F.) * Fixed or Adjustable Resonance

G.) *Variable NFB Switch & Pot

H.) *2 Way Simple Clean Foot Switch

I.) *Solo Master Volume Foot Switch

J.) *Buffered Effects Loop/Passive

K.) *DC Heaters Lower Noise Floor

2.) Axis: Dark Compressed Aggression

A.) 4 Stage

B.) 5 Stage

C.) Rolled Off Guitar Cleans

D.) *V-Mod

E.) *Fixed or Adjustable Resonance

F.) *Variable NFB Switch & Pot

G.) *2 Way Simple Clean Foot Switch

H.) *Solo Master Volume Foot Switch

I.) *Buffered Effects Loop/Passive

J.) *DC Heaters Lower Noise Floor

3.) EVL 50: Saturated Chewy Aggression

A.) 4 Stage

B.) 3 Stage

C.) Rolled Off Clean

D.) *2Way Simple Clean Foot Switch

E.) *V-Mod

F.) *Fixed or Adjustable Resonance

G.) *Variable NFB Switch & Pot

H.) *Simple Clean Foot Switch

I.) * Solo Master Volume Foot Switch

J.) *Buffered Effects Loop/Passive

K.) *DC Heaters Lower Noise Floor

Other Core Amp Mods:

1.) Snorkler.047uf be Cantrell

2.) SIR Slash/Frank Levi

3.) Jose 2 Gain & 1 Gain Atomica
Pre Tone Stack Master Volume Clippers

David Hopkins
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Sounds pretty good to me. Would you consider that to be a little bit brighter than your Pandora mod?
Thank you @fek

No. I just had the Tone Stack adjusted this way.

@glpg80 asked if I could do a comparison video for three of my circuits. I said I would be very happy to do so. I will make a bit of a project out of it.

The project video will encompass the
1.) Pandora. This will have some of my options on it. A couple are results of being challenged by @danburton such as the V-Mod included & Variable NFB or VNFB not included in project.

I have a 100 watt JMP 2203 that I modded this weekend. It was my version of the Axis. I turned it into a Pandora with 3 & 4 gain stage inputs.

Added a Simple Clean Channel with Master Volume on Foot-Switch, Buffered Loop & Return Pot, DC Heaters, consistent with Friedman SAT Switch & my V-Mod on a Switch which really browns out the voltage dissipation (Chewy).

This amp as all of my builds I have kept has a Fixed Bias but it can be put on a potentiometer for individuals if desired.

Also a bright switch toggle is possible for the clean but I have everything right where I like it for my self.

I did not add a Solo Master that is also controlled by Foot-Switch but have video I will include on the project video.

Most of the secondary Mods can be added to my Core Mods.

I will also include my EVL Mod & Axis Mods on the video.

My Intended offerings to our community:

1.) Pandora: Articulate able to clean up well with guitar volume on both 3 & 4 stages of gain.

Intended strengths AC/DC, Zeppelin to Alice In Chains and even Slayer’s Season’s in the Abyss.

2.) EVL (Evolved Valve Logic:) Articulate 3 & 4 gain inputs but more saturated keeping me inspired to play for great lengths of time as I hardly play due to modding.

I wanted something raunchy but clear. No clippers but will do EVH well. This circuit is my personal favorite as it still is articulate from Whole Lotta Love to We Die Young. This is a different animal IMO.

3.) Axis: Articulate but Darker than Pandora sharing some of the same DNA. This circuit gives the player 4 & 5 gain stage inputs. I wanted to just take the 1987/2204/1959/2203 circuit to a new place for me. I believe it has arrived but if only for a short term as I am always in R&D mode.

With so many great guys doing so much outstanding work ( @Monomyth ) & all others, there is still room for individuals to cater to a players request. I often read, you can’t reinvent the wheel. Well maybe, but it sure is fun giving it a shot.

I have a couple amps coming in tomorrow. When finished I will start on the video project.

Thank you all for listening and posting. Most of us that add service to the community do it only to bring you what you want. Or at least that is my assessment from conversations.

My best regards to all.

David Hopkins
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