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  1. P

    Mod Ideas for JMP 2203 Build

    I dig the T shaped board you made. Make sure that turret with the plate resistor has plenty of clearance to the chassis.
  2. P

    Voltage rating for bright and fat cap mod on Marshall Vintage Modern

    Neither one of those locations have high voltage. 25V is good for the 22uF. But 50V might be better. Anything will work for the bright cap but that 1000V is probably good quality. You should buy a few values and types and try them out.
  3. P

    What do you consider your biggest musical accomplishment?

    I got a call from a big time major label A&R guy the day after playing a show in '91. Didn't piece together who he was until years later. I declined sending a tape and some pictures. Said sorry sir, we can't entertain a manager because my bandmates drinking problems are so bad. DOH! I did get...
  4. P

    Marshall Major Help

    Hi, that is really clean. Maybe a few caps have been changed. The orange drops. No big deal. I used a '69 for many years with two blackback cabs. It had a cascaded V1 and master volume like a JCM800 2203 / 2204. Michael R/T used to post his here and it sounded great with the cascade and a LarMar...
  5. P

    Channel Strip plugins

    IK Multimedia has their Total Studio MAX bundle on sale for $150. It has several Neve, API, and SSL. It is worth it just for the reverbs. Includes max versions of Amplitube, Tonex, Syntronik, Modo Bass, Modo Drum, etc.
  6. P

    Is it safe to use an 8 Ohm cab with a 16 Ohm output on amp?

    For a 100 watter with 2 tubes pulled it is ok.
  7. P

    DAW for a beginner

    At risk of sounding like a dummy, I've been getting a lot of mileage out of my old computers. My garage computer is a i7-6700K that is almost 10 years old. It can still run 2 instances of Superior Drummer, a few instances of Helix Native or Amplitube, compressors, and reverb. Not the big box...
  8. P

    Does a safe mismatch reduce the effective wattage?

    I had a nasty tube failure in a Champ with a 4 ohm OT into a 16 ohm 15" speaker. I was playing bass at bedroom volume and hit a hard low E and it arced big time. Had to change the tube socket. I can notice my 4 ohm Bassman start to suffer at 16 ohm. Screams at 8 ohms
  9. P

    Got some very aesthetically pleasing amps recently

    I loved my Malibu wagon. I changed the whole powertrain with a 350/TH700R4/3:73 rear and lowered it a little and added some nice ralley wheels. It was a killer daily driver for around $6K. I'd do it again. Mine didn't have the wood paneling though. Awesome amp collection.
  10. P

    Marshall major designs

    The Major is ultra linear. Blackmore's tech said on forums that they smoked a few OT's with boost and by cascading. They joked and called it the smoke on the water effect. Mine ran fine for 20 years cascaded and with a JCM style master. I didn't have to crank it too loud to get the goods but had...
  11. P

    Recommend some "high output" pickups that don't suck with all maple L/P

    The JB is the classic combo with all maple. So is brass hardware. I would get a solid brass bridge and tailpiece. Also look for the long steel bushings like the OG Gibsons...
  12. P

    Need help putting together the following guitar rig

    I don't think phase is an issue with each signal coming out of its own cab. If it does, wouldn't moving the cab back 1/2" fix it?
  13. P

    Need help putting together the following guitar rig

    Guitar > Pedals > KHE Amp Switcher (w/ 2 amps hooked up) > KHE speaker level out to PS-100 amp input > 4x12 cab PS-100 line out > FX Delay/Verb > Synergy 50/50 > 1x12 cubes.
  14. P

    Home stereo speakers

    Some of my friends have had 15" CV's in their living rooms. Sounded like a concert. I think that CL ad have 10"'s ? Maybe they are fine I have JBL L100-T that I got for free and redid the foam surrounds on the woofers. As far as receivers, the modern ones have multiple HDMI inputs. We've had...
  15. P

    Deleting volume pot for dummies (me)

    If you're deleting the pot you can just wire the pickup directly to the output jack.
  16. P

    Need an old impedance selector switch.

    I have one. Out of a '75. I don't have the plug. Trade?
  17. P

    4x12 sound in 1x12 ?

    4x12's rule no doubt. I've had the same two for almost 40 years. I also used a DIY Bassman 1x12 combo a lot for band practice in a very loud band with success. The other guitarist had a full stack and a rack. SVT for bass and 24" double bass and power toms on drums. We would laugh at how well it...
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    Rigtalk Lottery #3 is upon us!

  19. P

    A stern message to heads whom hate on Henson

    I worked with a dude that got socked by Tyson. He was a bouncer at a club where Mike was having a scuffle with a chick and had to break it up. He said it hurt.
  20. P

    The muscle’s of Van Halen

    Jerry did one of those Ernie Ball Icon interviews and was talking about a time early in AIC when Ed came over and gave Jerry a few cabs and guitars.