Marshall major designs

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Found an amp I'm interested in but I'm concerned it might mirror a marshall major. What's the issue with boosting the preamp? Rumor is that it will fry the amp correct? I'm also curious about the output section too, is it a ultra linear transformer set?
I built a 2xKT88 mini-Major and it did have a UL OT and as I recall I did that because the original Majors had UL OTs. The UL taps are just lower voltage taps on the mains that are then connected to the screens. No choke. Instead of the phase inverter in the other Marshalls (and a bazillion other amps) the phase inverter is one like some small combos but with an added 'driver section' to supply the current needed for the power tubes. The driver tube is a 12AU7.

My understanding is that the Majors had issues because they were underbuilt. I do remember hearing that boosting them could lead to issues. Hope that helps.
The Major is ultra linear. Blackmore's tech said on forums that they smoked a few OT's with boost and by cascading. They joked and called it the smoke on the water effect. Mine ran fine for 20 years cascaded and with a JCM style master. I didn't have to crank it too loud to get the goods but had to use two cabinets. My B+ was 615VDC if I remember correctly. A 10 amp variac would probably be useful.

I'm guessing the OT is probably pretty hard to find a good replacement. Is this amp a clone?
The issue with the originals was in the power section. I would imagine anyone who made a modern version would mod it to be safe to use.
I've always taken that lore of them being prone to blow up with a grain of salt. The dead aren't here to rebuttal but here's my take...
All that talk is perpetuated by one guy. Since he was considered the Marshall Major expert, everyone just repeated the same sentiment with nothing but his word to back it up. This comes from the same school of thought that you have to bias your tubes extremely hot to get a good tone. If they were popping them it's because they were running them in extreme conditions. The ultra-linear power amp isn't unique and while the Major is the only Marshall design with a UL power amp, Fender, Ampeg and countless others have thousands upon thousands of these in circulation and they're not blowing up.

Bottom line, they're not gonna blow up just because you put an overdrive in front of them.

I've got two '73 Major Lead 1967 amps. You can certainly cascade the preamp and add a master volume which will negate the need to dime the amp for a nice overdrive. The UL taps can be disconnected with some modifications although the more you tinker with it, the less it's a Major.

What is it that you're looking at? It's not very cost effective to build a Major replica at the full 200W. The replacement transformers cost wayyy too much. Any 200W guitar amplifier is kind of a gimmick anyway. I had a Thunderverb here at the shop for a while and if you played through it not knowing it was 200W you wouldn't think it was any louder than a typical 100W amp. That being said, if it's a 100W amp with a UL power section you can certainly run it with an attenuator and not need to modify it to make it useable at lower volumes.

I did go down the rabbit hole with the Blackmore/Major connection a while back. There was a plethora of different mods they went though... extra gain stages, cascaded preamps... They even added more power tubes to one of them!!! It's nuts.
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The Major is ultra linear. Blackmore's tech said on forums that they smoked a few OT's with boost and by cascading. They joked and called it the smoke on the water effect. Mine ran fine for 20 years cascaded and with a JCM style master. I didn't have to crank it too loud to get the goods but had to use two cabinets. My B+ was 615VDC if I remember correctly. A 10 amp variac would probably be useful.

I'm guessing the OT is probably pretty hard to find a good replacement. Is this amp a clone?
i had two majors and cascaded them always they never smoked but were the loudest most uncontrollable amp package I have ever used, ever louder than my fender 400 ps with 3 full stacks! thats 24 x12s