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  1. G

    Fault light has shown up

    Hey guys, so on my VH4 the blue LED light has come up on the back of my VH4. Does this mean the the valve itself has gone or just the fuse for it? The amp was boiling hot when I touched the back of it, hotter than normal. It did this during a gig but thankfully because it just ran on the rest I...
  2. G

    Question For Hagen Owners - Thank You

    I find the trick with diezels tends to be put the presence higher than you think you need it.
  3. G

    Greenback vs Alnico Blue

    Cheers for suggestions guys, steered me towards greenbacks. The black panel fenders I'd be interested in too. The amp id want ideally is a Paul but unfortunately budget dictates what i can afford.
  4. G

    Greenback vs Alnico Blue

    Hey guys, I've been debating buying an AC30 for some session gigs doing covers as taking my Diezel VH4 and a 4x12 is getting kind of a lot to lug around and the AC30 as a combo could be a more appealing option. Listening to clips of both speakers I can see merits to both with that amp, but...
  5. G

    Studio Clip with the VH4

    Thanks for the comments guys!
  6. G

    Studio Clip with the VH4

    Hey guys, we're tracking our new album using a VH4 for my rhythms and I thought you guys might like a clip of it in action. Rhythm is channel 3 with a precision drive in the front, leads are channel 4 with the Wampler Tumnus Deluxe :) The flanger at the end of the solo is just the Boss BF-3...
  7. G

    What's a great Riff Raff type pickup for double cut guitars into a VH4?

    Ceramic nailbombs are awesome. Gain is just about right, super tight, and bridge that vintage/modern thing you could be looking for. I'd say a touch less gain than the silo too. Think the rebellious bastard child of a riff raff?
  8. G

    VH4 - channel 3 gain amount.... how gainy is your channel 3?

    Probably at about 3/10 o clock but I normally push the front end with some form of boost. Currently using the horizon drive to give it that metal chug thing, so gain all the way down on the pedal, level halfway up (which would be about 8 ish on a tube screamer pedal).
  9. G

    Unpopular Rigpinions V2

    There is no wrong solution to gear, except the one that doesn't make you happy.
  10. G

    After having a herbert for 10+ years, what should i get next?

    If you like the Diezel sound, you could try the Paul out. There's a video on youtube of the guys from Diezel playing it the clean channel is amazing. Plus the built in reverb is just beautiful!
  11. G

    Captor X and Herbert, a good idea?

    We've been tracking our latest album with the torpedo captor and a VH4, works brilliantly :) It can take some fiddling to get the sound you want from the cab sims but once you do it sounds great.
  12. G

    I finally have my first Diezel!

    I've wanted one of these for the past 15 years, so to finally own one is a dream come true! I haven't really had the chance to crank it through a cab yet, but even through a torpedo captor coming through studio monitors, I can already tell how special these amps are. Plus I've found a slightly...
  13. G

    VH4 + Helix

    Ooooft! That rig is a beauty!
  14. G

    VH4 + Helix

    Cheers man!
  15. G

    VH4 + Helix

    Hi guys, I've ordered a VH4 which should be arriving next month hopefully (assuming it goes through UK customs ok). I was just wondering if anyone has had any success running a Helix in a 4CM successfully with this amp with no or minimal tone loss?