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  1. G

    Someone finally compared a VH2 to a VH4

    I just saw this video was released today and I'm interested in everyone's thoughts. I definitely hear more low mids in the VH2 and high mids in the VH4. The bass knob may be up a bit high for my liking on the VH2 as well. I've only ever played my VH2, and I'm wondering if I can dial in that...
  2. G

    Smaller Wattage Diezel

    Aahhahahaha man this got me good. No offense to the Peters of course. Diezel rules.
  3. G

    Smaller Wattage Diezel

    It's been coming next year for a few years now lol
  4. G

    Need advice on a 2x12 for my VH4.

    Thanks for sharing! I'm considering doing a 2x12 of just k100's for tracking, but also considering doing a 2x12 with one k100 and one v30. The fun never ends.
  5. G

    Need advice on a 2x12 for my VH4.

    What was your take on the k100's vs v30's with a Diezel head?
  6. G

    Mudvayne tone - Fryette?

    I think Greg is so underrated. The first 3 Mudvayne albums are just so good.
  7. G

    Need advice on a 2x12 for my VH4.

    Yeah all Diezel. I know many people dig the G12K-100's. In my experience, they didn't jive the VH2. I probably shouldn't have said they sound bad. The V30's were just clearly better for what I was going for (Tool ish sounds).
  8. G

    Need advice on a 2x12 for my VH4.

    I thought my G12K-100 FL sounded bad with my VH2, but V30's sounded amazing 2x12 or 4x12 - just IMO.
  9. G

    What's the best amp?

    Why did you retire the archon? What worked better for you?
  10. G

    So, Regarding The VH4...

    Any preferences/suggestions for bias with JJ 6l6GC's? I'm going to put some into my VH2 this week. Switching from GL kt77's. I liked the GL's better than the JJ's for kt77's, but I want to try something different. I'm mainly interested in how the response of the amp changes under the fingers. I...
  11. G

    Why is there no comparison video or audio of the VH4 and VH2?

    Please do this! BTW what are you running for power tubes in your VH2? I wonder if they're the same as in the VH4.
  12. G

    Why is there no comparison video or audio of the VH4 and VH2?

    Is there a conspiracy not to play the VH2 and VH4 side by side? Okay, kidding, but I really want to hear them side by side.