Mudvayne tone - Fryette?

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Always liked this one and thought it was rather unique.

Dry yet aggressive and very clear, not over saturated.

I've heard this band associated with VHT over the years, does this sound Fryette to you?


You can hear the slight dryness in the palm muted parts especially.

I had the D120, which is slightly different but same DNA signature of VHT
To me it does. I’m fairly certain he was using an ultra lead for most (if not all) of their albums. I had one and could get those sounds no problem. I currently have a CLX100 which is the same preamp with an el34 power section. Roll back the mids and it sounds pretty much the same. When I think of the Fryette sound I think tight, dry, percussive response. There’s really nothing quite like them.
Awesome, thanks guys. It's a very cool sound especially in a mix
Yeah, I am pretty sure he used an Ultra Lead except for on LD 50, which was a Recto. I have been curious if he has still been using them on the recent tours.

I pretty much get similar to this sound with my Synergy Ultra Lead module.
always heard they used VHT's but i never actually saw anything to confirm, he says he uses randalls live and in the studio here at least for "The New Game", which im not sure i ever actually listened to

GW What gear did you use for the new album?

TRIBBETT For this new record, I used my signature Washburn WV66GT , plus a Telecaster for clean sounds. As far as amps go, I used a Roland Jazz Chorus for the clean sounds, which I also used for the acoustic guitars, and also Randall V2s. When doubletracking rhythm parts, I’d change the EQ a little from part to part to get a different tone. The only pedal I used was a wah, which I used for the solo on “Do What You Do.”

GW Is your live setup much different?

TRIBBETT No, it’s pretty simple, too. My pedal board is made up of an A/B box, a Line 6 digital delay and a Morley wah pedal. The A/B switches between two Randall heads, one of which is set to clean and the other one is dirty. Live, I use the RM100 heads, with which you can swap out three different preamp modules. So there’s a clean module and a dirty module, but now I use a “lead” module, too. I’m pretty “basic” when it comes to my setup; I don’t like a bunch of different gear and processors and all of that crap. When something works, you stick with it. And this is working. [laughs] Obviously.
He used UL's back in the early days for sure. LD 50 and most likely Lost and Found.

Also, there's clearly a VHT head in the music video ?