always heard they used VHT's but i never actually saw anything to confirm, he says he uses randalls live and in the studio here at least for "The New Game", which im not sure i ever actually listened to
GW What gear did you use for the new album?
TRIBBETT For this new record, I used my signature Washburn WV66GT , plus a Telecaster for clean sounds. As far as amps go, I used a Roland Jazz Chorus for the clean sounds, which I also used for the acoustic guitars, and also Randall V2s. When doubletracking rhythm parts, I’d change the EQ a little from part to part to get a different tone. The only pedal I used was a wah, which I used for the solo on “Do What You Do.”
GW Is your live setup much different?
TRIBBETT No, it’s pretty simple, too. My pedal board is made up of an A/B box, a Line 6 digital delay and a Morley wah pedal. The A/B switches between two Randall heads, one of which is set to clean and the other one is dirty. Live, I use the RM100 heads, with which you can swap out three different preamp modules. So there’s a clean module and a dirty module, but now I use a “lead” module, too. I’m pretty “basic” when it comes to my setup; I don’t like a bunch of different gear and processors and all of that crap. When something works, you stick with it. And this is working. [laughs] Obviously.