When my parents used to try and get my little brother to try new food, it was always a struggle. He hated anything different than what he was already used to. Every time they would present some new food to him on a fork, he'd shriek "SMALLER!!!" and they'd take off more and more food until eventually a single tong on the fork they were using was wider than the new piece of whatever food it was. But that wasn't even good enough. My brother would scream "WATER! I need FULL GLASS of WATER to wash it down in case I HATE it!" and so my parents would, grinning to themselves, sometimes get him a great big full glass of water.
The moment would come. After what always seemed like a solid minute of him slowly lifting that fork to his mouth, he'd finally get there and you could see that tiny morsel of food touch his lips. Immediately, without fail, he'd shout "UUUGHHH, GROOOSSS!! I HAAATTEE IT!!!" and then he'd practically stampede to his giant bucket of water and drink the entire thing in a feverish, desperate attempt to rid himself of the hatecrime in his mouth known as "apricots" or whatever.
At that point, he'd try his hardest to supress his new-food-trying PTSD and retreat to the safety of his chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes.
I've always thought of people who go out of their way to talk trash about modeling companies, particularly Fractal, just like my toddler brother. "Hey, want to try this modeler?" "NO! I JUST KNOW I'LL HATE IT!!!" "But you haven't even tried it." "NO! I need the comfort and safety of familiarity otherwise I'll die!"
What I'm trying to say is that some guitar players, for as much as they like to think they're "innovative artists" are really just some of the most conservative people possible when it comes to gear and wouldn't know a good thing if they heard played it, even if they could drink an entire glass of water right after trying it. They're so terrified of new things that they'll look for anything they can possibly find to justify their ire, and go out of their way to attack these scary new things that couldn't possibly ever be as good as the comfort and safety of their chicken nuggets... er, I mean, tube amps. "I tried this modeler by hooking it up through an old 2-inch alarm clock speaker I found in the dumpster and it wasn't NEARLY as good as my 150w W/D/W rig that uses three 4x12 cabs. I KNEW it, modeling is TERRIBLE! WHEW thank goodness I don't have to face anything that could challenge my comfort zone. Also that Cliff Chase sure is a jerk for trying to run his business HAHAHA did you see that HUGE TANTRUM he just threw where he... agreed the product was good but asked people to move a competitor's discussion elsewhere? What a JERK!!! Pssh, digital modeling guys, am I right fellas?"