“ALL of the confirmed Omicron cases are among people who are fully vaccinated, and some of them are in people who've also had boosters” - CDC

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Mail in Voting thats all this was about from day one. Same people who did mail in voting in 2020 also stood in line at the grocery store, pure bullshit every bit of it. They want you to think the new normal is your not supposed to get sick. :hys:
Picasso spends more time surfing gay photos in a day than most homosexuals do in a lifetime. So much that Google is probably spamming him with adverts for the box set of Glee, poppers, and face mask cream for bed.

Life was easy in 70s and 80s when all you had to do was make a gay joke to get by. It's the 21st Century. If you are still trying to crack wise with the same tactics then you will probably find all of 3 people laughing with you in some thread in a backward sub-forum of a guitar site. Two of which are probably your own sock puppets.
Picasso spends more time surfing gay photos in a day than most homosexuals do in a lifetime. So much that Google is probably spamming him with adverts for the box set of Glee, poppers, and face mask cream for bed.

Life was easy in 70s and 80s when all you had to do was make a gay joke to get by. It's the 21st Century. If you are still trying to crack wise with the same tactics then you will probably find all of 3 people laughing with you in some thread in a backward sub-forum of a guitar site. Two of which are probably your own sock puppets.
To do what? Go scanning homosexual images all day long with the excuse I am just finding pictures to insult people with?

Obviously, you got caught at work looking at some guy's big n' hairy and this is the facade you try to keep up. That you are too far-right to be a secret latent homosexual and this is all part of your plan to insult others on a guitar forum.

Another Larry Craig.

"I am not gay... just over-reacted and made a poor decision." replied the Republican Senator to claims he blew a guy in the airport toilet at St. Pauls' international airport.
To do what? Go scanning homosexual images all day long with the excuse I am just finding pictures to insult people with?

Obviously, you got caught at work looking at some guy's big n' hairy and this is the facade you try to keep up. That you are too far-right to be a secret latent homosexual and this is all part of your plan to insult others on a guitar forum.

Another Larry Craig.

"I am not gay... just over-reacted and made a poor decision." replied the Republican Senator to claims he blew a guy in the airport toilet at St. Pauls' international airport.
Like I said, TRIGGERED
Like I said, TRIGGERED
If I am triggered, then how much more so is the person surfing gay images all day long and then thinking it makes them appear more macho. You are one leather cap away from singing it is fun to stay at the YMCA.

Milo Yiannopoulos, former editor of Breitbart News and was a major player for far-right, alt-right, and alt-lite.

Any idea what happened to him?
Omicron sci-fi movie from 1963. Omicron is a character in 1986 Transformers cartoon before the movie. Omicron virus mentioned in 1990`s David Bowie music video. Really? :hys: :hys: :hys: Gotta keep that mail in voting folks. :poop: I cant even buy cigs without a valid ID and
Im going on 6 decades. GTFOH
Picasso, who's the one browsing gay themed stuff all the time. YOU are the only member who seems obsessed with male homosexuality.