1000s of Jabbed Clowns Are Developing ‘Turbo Testicular Cancer’ – Dem Doctors Baffled

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There you have it. 4 out 5 memes say…this is getting silly…
Have you read Wikileaks over the last few years ? Wikileaks has never had to retract anything because it was inaccurate . If you were educated you would know very well what democrats refer to African Americans as and you would know what they refer to Hispanics as .

You would also know that the entire main stream media is purposely lying to the American electorate about what has been going on the last 7 years because it shows prominent democrats in conversation with the mainstream specifically telling them that they cannot under any circumstances reveal the truth until (As they refer to it as) the communist revolution is completed .

I remember when those documents were dumped , the entire mainstream media freaked out and announced on air that it was illegal to read Wikileaks and nobody should read it lol. Well that wasn't true because anybody could read it but many moronic leftists decided not to take a chance . Many left wingers did read it however and to say they were blown away is an understatement , they were so disgusted with the dishonesty that they left the party in droves over it .
Let's get some book recommendations!
School choice doesn’t equate to better education for everyone. Read up. Don’t get your info from a meme generator.

Perhaps but not having school choice guarantees nobody gets the chance to find out .

Common core is awful .

Common Core Delivers ‘Worst ACT Scores in Living Memory’​

Parents and teachers across the nation have been urging schools to dump the toxic Common Core curriculum, arguing that it deliberately dumbs down children and creates unnecessary and complicated methods for working out relatively simple problems.
The ACT determines those skills “based on the results of the ACT National Curriculum Survey, a nationwide survey of educators conducted every three to four years,” according to the folks at ACT. The survey results “identify what is important for high school graduates to know and be able to do when they enter college.”

We can’t talk about a “National Curriculum Survey” without discussing Common Core — the national standards most states adopted between 2010-2015 after much coercion in the form of financial incentives from the federal government. Although Common Core proponents insisted that they weren’t implementing a national curriculum, the effect was essentially the same. Rather than local school districts deciding what students should learn and know, states that signed onto Common Core tied the hands of local educators, forcing them to use the new standards. Although local schools have some flexibility in how certain skills will be taught, they are required to teach the voluminous list of standards.

In 2015 I wrote:

Ultimately, the buck stops at the tests. Testing drives everything from publishing to local hiring decisions to the way math is taught in kindergarten. Advocates of the Common Core standards claim there will be no erosion of local control and deny there will be any federal influence on state and local decision-making. But it won’t be local teachers and school board members — or even states — deciding what will be on the high-stakes tests, and within a few years those tests will be the primary driver of what is taught in most of the classrooms across the country.

I warned at the time:

The Common Core standards will eventually lead to a one-size-fits-all, top-down education with little opportunity for individual choice or state innovation because all children will have to pass the same tests. As Common Core takes root in local districts and classrooms nationwide, local control and state innovation will be abandoned as schools move increasingly toward a nationally directed approach to education with decisions overseen by officials at the Department of Education.

States use a variety of tests — ranging from the ACT to PARCC to state-created tests — to fulfill the federal mandate to measure student achievement, however nearly all college-bound students take either the ACT or SAT as juniors and seniors, and those tests can give us a general overview of how the nation’s students are doing now that Common Core has been fully implemented.

Now comes news that less than a decade after the implementation of Common Core, rather than the improved test scores were promised, we’re seeing a progressive decline in student achievement.

Ohio state Representative Andy Thompson, a vocal critic of Common Core, told PJM that although the standards are not completely to blame for the decline in test scores, Common Core “is a significant factor.”

“I think testimony we took during our attempts to eradicate Common Core showed the dumbing down of curriculum, the social justice indoctrination, the emphasis on social-emotional learning, reduced quantity and quality of reading, emphasizing screen time rather than classroom instruction,” Thompson said. He explained that the “destruction of proper math” has also been a contributing factor. Common Core proponents, he said, “place a higher priority on indoctrination than education.”

Thompson lashed out on his Facebook page Wednesday after the report dropped. “Another Common Core success story!” he said sarcastically. “Thank you, Fordham Institute! Thank you, OEA, Ohio Department of Education, Ohio Business Roundtable, Philanthropy Ohio,” he wrote, calling out organizations that pushed Common Core in Ohio. “We could have averted this train wreck, but you listened to Bill Gates and his pocketbook instead of the many concerned students, parents, teachers and politicians in our state who warned you repeatedly that this would be the result.”

When Common Core was first being debated and adopted, there was widespread outrage about the new standards and the increased federal involvement in education. Many, including Thompson, warned of the dire consequences of the decision and predicted that student achievement would decline. In the years since the adoption of the standards, public interest in the topic has waned and parents seem to have been lulled into thinking that everything was fine — that perhaps Common Core wasn’t the end of the world. But this report from ACT should set off alarm bells with parents and educators alike.

To turn things around, Thompson said we need to focus on restoring local control, lifting federal mandates on teachers, getting the feds out of education, and “recognizing that teachers must be empowered to do what they know best—teach.” That seems like common sense advice, but we live in an age where common sense is in short supply. Federal bureaucrats seized control of education with the adoption of Common Core and they’re not about to give up that power anytime soon.
Who do you think tells the truth ? The mainstream and government ?

Only thirteen “doctors” are running the COVID OP, nine of whom are directly on payroll with congressional democrats, and seven of whom have received funding from the Clinton Foundation.

Meanwhile, more than 2300 international virologists totally disagree with the scam “science” forced down people’s throats by those thirteen democrat doctors, and more than 10,000 frontline doctors have filed suit against those responsible for intentionally lying to the public.

2300 international virologists and 10,000 frontline doctors have been either discredited or silenced by the thirteen democrat doctors behind the COVID bioweapon operation. Only the opinions of the thirteen democrat doctors are allowed to speak without opposition, namely, Dr. Fauci, who has been caught lying repeatedly, including to Congress under oath and penalty of perjury.
Please show a reference for this.

Who do you think tells the truth ? The mainstream and government ?

Only thirteen “doctors” are running the COVID OP, nine of whom are directly on payroll with congressional democrats, and seven of whom have received funding from the Clinton Foundation.

Meanwhile, more than 2300 international virologists totally disagree with the scam “science” forced down people’s throats by those thirteen democrat doctors, and more than 10,000 frontline doctors have filed suit against those responsible for intentionally lying to the public.

2300 international virologists and 10,000 frontline doctors have been either discredited or silenced by the thirteen democrat doctors behind the COVID bioweapon operation. Only the opinions of the thirteen democrat doctors are allowed to speak without opposition, namely, Dr. Fauci, who has been caught lying repeatedly, including to Congress under oath and penalty of perjury.
Again, where did you pull those numbers from? IOW - Source?
Perhaps but not having school choice guarantees nobody gets the chance to find out .

Common core is awful .

Common Core Delivers ‘Worst ACT Scores in Living Memory’​

Parents and teachers across the nation have been urging schools to dump the toxic Common Core curriculum, arguing that it deliberately dumbs down children and creates unnecessary and complicated methods for working out relatively simple problems.
Not enough…

I laugh inside when I see people I know triple boosted and still getting Covid badly…. Then I always mention I was fine within 24 hours of using Ivermectin. ?
I had it (or the seasonal flu.. who the hell knows) about 3-1/2 years ago.

Never tested positive for Covid-19, but had been exposed to people who did.

Honestly, I've had worse colds. Headache, low-grade fever lasted 5 days and shook it off.
The biggest reason why democrats wanted Trump destroyed is because he made it very clear from day 1 that one of his biggest goals was to give the inner city poor better education and school choice .

Democrats adamantly opposed because they insist on controlling what children learn with Common Core .

Of course anybody who doesn't know this obviously gets all their info from the mainstream because the mainstream NEVER EVER REPORTED on it .

Could you imagine if the inner city poor found out that Trump was offering them better education , it would be the end of the dem party as we know it .

Thats why nobody who gets their info from the mainstream knew about it.

Checkout # 6 , thats why democrats fought Trump so hard on giving the inner city poor better education.

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Lol at you thinking 6 is a lefty thing.

A "Classical" school was told kids couldn't look at one of the most famous statues of all time. Florida. Lol. The state even looks like a flaccid penis.
Lol at you thinking 6 is a lefty thing.

A "Classical" school was told kids couldn't look at one of the most famous statues of all time. Florida. Lol. The state even looks like a flaccid penis.

I know # 6 is a lefty thing I don't just think it and please spare me whatever mainstream media links you google up trying to discredit it , it's not going to work.

10 Years Into Obama’s Common Core – High School Graduates ‘Worst Prepared For College’ In Years​

Ten years after Barack Obama forced schools around the country to begin phasing in Common Core, the first high school students to graduate after completing four full years of the controversial teaching method have turned out to be the “worst prepared for college” in 15 years.

Common Core is a nationwide program implemented in schools across America since June 2010 as part of Obama’s Obama’s Race-To-The-Top (RTTT) program, which deliberately dumbs down children, leaving them unprepared for education and work.
I had it (or the seasonal flu.. who the hell knows) about 3-1/2 years ago.

Never tested positive for Covid-19, but had been exposed to people who did.

Honestly, I've had worse colds. Headache, low-grade fever lasted 5 days and shook it off.
Omnicron is a fucking joke...like a cold.....original version...not so mild, no matter what you think.

I have had covid 4 or 5 times now.