101b and Greenbacks

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Just bought a 101b and all I currently have is a Marshall 4x12 with greenbacks. what to expect?
Will sound great I liked that combo when I had a 100b
Should sound great, lots of people like them with v30s but I preferred green backs with all my xtcs. I think your set.
Perhaps won't have as much bass as usually possible, but it'll be a fine sounding rig no doubt :thumbsup:
Congrats on the new amp BTW. I saw that price and knew it would be gone.
I love greenbacks! But the V30's also sound amazingly well with the XTC!

I wouldn't buy a new cab or change speakers though, that should be a kick ass rig!

You should expect less percussive attack. And a bass response which is not tight. In plexi mode it will sound great!
Well, the 101b was voiced around V30's. That said, nothing wrong with greenbacks...they just don't have the same low end grunt and are looser. As Nico said, they're great for plexi mode, but I prefer V30's for high gain. YMMV.
This guys has some nice tone with a 100B and greenbacks.

greenbacks go great with the xtc imo. adds some good crunch and livens the amp up considerably versus V30s. brings on a bit more of a marshellesque flavor to an amp that is otherwise on the dark side..
I would say a rootsy, raw, classic sound, in my opinion. Already mentioned, brightens up a "blankety" amp. That's what I thought when I played mine with greenback/creambacks.

I use V30's and serves me good. But, if I had the means, 1 of each cab.
Nothing wrong with Greenbacks. I've played my Uberschalls and 101B throught my Greenback loaded Bogner 4x12 many times live and it sounds just fine.

I have cabs with Scumback M75's and nicely broken in V-30's for my 101b Classic.

Compared to the V-30's the M75's are a bit darker, and have a much faster breakup. Nice and crunchy like a greanback should be!!! I prefer these speakers when using the amp by itself. In a live band setting the V-30's cut through better.
People discount GB's for harder amps like the 101B, when in fact they are perfect for stage. You may not get all the bottom end in the home, but you don't need it playing live. I like GB 25 watt speakers with almost everything (no H30's though).
I prefer Greenbacks with my 101b over any other speaker I've tried.....V30's are NOT the speaker for me!