Well-known member
RG955TT":wva1ruat said:Picking up amp today! Was several bad solder joints that were causing intermittant issues. Low dough fix so hopefully all is well and I'm back in business.
Three things I wish all highline amp makers would have on their amps...send and return volumes for the loop so you could interface any kind of pedal of fx unit and still have plenty of volume/output, dual switchable masters for volume bump for solos, and a deep control for the really deep low end of the entire amp. If my 20th had these three things it would be the perfect amp for me. Seems even all of these high end amps (and I have several) still to me as a working player have some sort of shortcoming. I'm sure there are reasons, but for me I'm just 2 cents. My Diezels are close but even those have some comprimises, but I still gravitate to the Bogners for the best tone (rich, thick in the lower mids etc etc.)
Ya man, everyone's got their wants and wishes lists - overall, I like the way you ended your last paragragh. Bogner's got game in the tonal department no doubt. But to have an amp that has EVERYTHING, hell, then it'd be a sway to the simpler 1 channel amps (read: Mako, Marsha's, etc). No one thing will every please everyone. And being everything to everybody means you're nothing to no one. As for the depth of the amp - KT77's would add some bottom end OOOMPH to the 20thA. I've had ZERO problems with my head, and had it BLASTED in Sunday for about 6 hours, maybe more. The louder it got, the sweeter and more angelic it sounded. The natural break up in Blue was rivalling that of ANY vintage Marshall, or modded wannabe. I find having only 1 volume per channel the bomb - and I really think I can get this amp ANYWHERE soncially with the use of NEW/OLD, VINTAGE/MODERN, A/AB, FULL/HALF, Excursion, etc. This head - is THE head. Period.
Glad you got yours sorted out - WHY there were shit solder points on the board is something I think you oughta discuss with Charley. Heads for this price? There's NO excuse for that lousy oversight.
Get on with it - rock out, crank it up, make it red hot, and kill it....