
  • Thread starter Thread starter Goat
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This is because Dem leaders want to keep their constituents suppressed in an oppressive fashion.
Free hand outs
No school choice
Sub Par schools and teachers
Look the other way anti crime tactics

Allowing the police to do their job is what is needed.
Goat":2pi09uv3 said:
Sitedrifter":2pi09uv3 said:
This is because Dem leaders want to keep their constituents suppressed in an oppressive fashion.
Free hand outs
No school choice
Sub Par schools and teachers
Look the other way anti crime tactics

Allowing the police to do their job is what is needed.
All true... but, these are not solutions. You're merely stating the obvious.

I gave the 1st step of the solution, You have to start with baby steps when trying to correct decades of the crime ridden travesty.

Start with law and order and for the < 18yr old criminal, learning experience boot camp and for the 18-30 , 4 years of the military with no option for jail.
We also need to lock up all the government officials who are allowing the destruction of our cities.

Better yet, strip them of their duties and salary and make them street sweepers.
Sitedrifter":38y4can2 said:
Goat":38y4can2 said:
Sitedrifter":38y4can2 said:
This is because Dem leaders want to keep their constituents suppressed in an oppressive fashion.
Free hand outs
No school choice
Sub Par schools and teachers
Look the other way anti crime tactics

Allowing the police to do their job is what is needed.
All true... but, these are not solutions. You're merely stating the obvious.

I gave the 1st step of the solution, You have to start with baby steps when trying to correct decades of the crime ridden travesty.

Start with law and order and for the < 18yr old criminal, learning experience boot camp and for the 18-30 , 4 years of the military with no option for jail.
This has been tried and it was another dumb Democrat idea. it took a long time for the military to clean up the riffraff from the disasterous forcing of criminals by judges into the military. The military is not the same anymore. You need intelligent, and trustworthy people and should have to take care of other peoples problems
scottosan":2u3n8z6e said:
Sitedrifter":2u3n8z6e said:
Goat":2u3n8z6e said:
Sitedrifter":2u3n8z6e said:
This is because Dem leaders want to keep their constituents suppressed in an oppressive fashion.
Free hand outs
No school choice
Sub Par schools and teachers
Look the other way anti crime tactics

Allowing the police to do their job is what is needed.
All true... but, these are not solutions. You're merely stating the obvious.

I gave the 1st step of the solution, You have to start with baby steps when trying to correct decades of the crime ridden travesty.

Start with law and order and for the < 18yr old criminal, learning experience boot camp and for the 18-30 , 4 years of the military with no option for jail.
This has been tried and it was another dumb Democrat idea. it took a long time for the military to clean up the riffraff from the disasterous forcing of criminals by judges into the military. The military is not the same anymore. You need intelligent, and trustworthy people and should have to take care of other peoples problems

There is no need for a college education or even high school diploma to make a great infantry man.

You have a listing of reasons (which are wrong) why a valid idea would not work but where are your ideas to cleanup Chicago? :thumbsdown:
Sitedrifter":2fufvbmn said:
scottosan":2fufvbmn said:
Sitedrifter":2fufvbmn said:
Goat":2fufvbmn said:
Sitedrifter":2fufvbmn said:
This is because Dem leaders want to keep their constituents suppressed in an oppressive fashion.
Free hand outs
No school choice
Sub Par schools and teachers
Look the other way anti crime tactics

Allowing the police to do their job is what is needed.
All true... but, these are not solutions. You're merely stating the obvious.

I gave the 1st step of the solution, You have to start with baby steps when trying to correct decades of the crime ridden travesty.

Start with law and order and for the < 18yr old criminal, learning experience boot camp and for the 18-30 , 4 years of the military with no option for jail.
This has been tried and it was another dumb Democrat idea. it took a long time for the military to clean up the riffraff from the disasterous forcing of criminals by judges into the military. The military is not the same anymore. You need intelligent, and trustworthy people and should have to take care of other peoples problems

There is no need for a college education or even high school diploma to make a great infantry man.

You have a listing of reasons (which are wrong) why a valid idea would not work but where are your ideas to cleanup Chicago? :thumbsdown:

Im telling you as a former Marine and infantryman, that the whole judge sending people to the military has been tried and failed. It took almost 2 decades to clean the criminals, drugs, and bad behavior out. You liberal a millennial with likely no military experience think he’s got some genius idea, assuming that everyone before him was not smart enough to come up with an idea. Well, it’s a dum idea. It’s also insulting that you think the military is a good place for criminals. Furthermore, the screening and requirement to get in the modern military are more stringent than getting into college. College doesn’t even take into consideration your moral character or criminal history. Many military job now require security clearances. College degrees do not equal character, trustworthiness, work ethic, or determination. I’d hire a vet over a grad every time.
scottosan":36oio0vn said:
Sitedrifter":36oio0vn said:
scottosan":36oio0vn said:
Sitedrifter":36oio0vn said:
Goat":36oio0vn said:
Sitedrifter":36oio0vn said:
This is because Dem leaders want to keep their constituents suppressed in an oppressive fashion.
Free hand outs
No school choice
Sub Par schools and teachers
Look the other way anti crime tactics

Allowing the police to do their job is what is needed.
All true... but, these are not solutions. You're merely stating the obvious.

I gave the 1st step of the solution, You have to start with baby steps when trying to correct decades of the crime ridden travesty.

Start with law and order and for the < 18yr old criminal, learning experience boot camp and for the 18-30 , 4 years of the military with no option for jail.
This has been tried and it was another dumb Democrat idea. it took a long time for the military to clean up the riffraff from the disasterous forcing of criminals by judges into the military. The military is not the same anymore. You need intelligent, and trustworthy people and should have to take care of other peoples problems

There is no need for a college education or even high school diploma to make a great infantry man.

You have a listing of reasons (which are wrong) why a valid idea would not work but where are your ideas to cleanup Chicago? :thumbsdown:

Im telling you as a former Marine and infantryman, that the whole judge sending people to the military has been tried and failed. It took almost 2 decades to clean the criminals, drugs, and bad behavior out. You liberal a millennial with likely no military experience think he’s got some genius idea, assuming that everyone before him was not smart enough to come up with an idea. Well, it’s a dum idea. It’s also insulting that you think the military is a good place for criminals. Furthermore, the screening and requirement to get in the modern military are more stringent than getting into college. College doesn’t even take into consideration your moral character or criminal history. Many military job now require security clearances. College degrees do not equal character, trustworthiness, work ethic, or determination. I’d hire a vet over a grad every time.

You sure told me... :lol: :LOL:
I think you called me a liberal millennial? :lol: :LOL:
Your rambling has so many contradictions, it fits the mold type. :lol: :LOL:
And yes, I think the military is a great place for young criminals to be sent to. The military stands a factor of 10 better chance to straighten out the young person then incarceration facilities.
Let me repeat something, instead of pissing on someones suggestion and labeling people just to fit your narrative, you should make a suggestion yourself. :doh:
Sitedrifter":2psu2m8u said:
Allowing the police to do their job is what is needed.
Exactly clear minded person. :)

I hope that one might ask this 100% covidiot 100% COMMUNITY failure and human being (KARL HEINRICH MARX) in her little video-op:


And take your religious shit and shove it up your ass by the grace of whatever fucked up god-dog you worship in your fish tank.



:lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
Zimbabwe called free plane tickets. African American would last 2 weeks tops. Solution
I don't think its a single solution problem, there are a lot of things that ended up leading to this. Part of it is cultural, part is political, part of it is, believe it or not, spiritual.
The breakdown of the family unit, years of societal norms being undermined and kicked to the curb until there is no right or wrong, there is only how you feel about X, and that's all that really matters anyway, so you will follow your worst instincts. There are no hero's or people to look up to anymore, so role models for young people are in rap videos and other stupid shit that does nothing but perpetrate the shit. Those who's minds need to be changed about what they are doing to their communities are (mostly) unwilling to be what they perceive to be "weak" enough to allow that to happen.
I couldn't agree more with those who say we need a massive amount of change that will take at least a generation or two to occur. Its how we get there that we all disagree on.
Well, a lot of us think our solutions are better, the other sides are shit.
I just dont see much of real honest dialogue going on, but we will either figure out how to make folks who are ruining other people's lives for no reason decide to change their own minds and lives, or this is going to end badly for everyone everywhere. I say change their own minds and lives because nobody can do it for them, they will never allow that.
They are right about one thing, there is injustice that has gone on for an extended period of time, but its not the privileged white people who founded the country that they should be mad at, its the democrat party politicians who built an entirely new plantation and made them slaves by buying their self worth and dignity with monthly checks. They talk about making things better for over 50 years and it never happens due to their actions, it only occurs when one decides for themselves that they will never be a victim again, never be used again, and never again trust politicians to make a difference when they prove to us daily that they can not be truthful about ANYTHING..
It could be done, but major changes will have to take place. Not changes in Washington, changes that promote goodwill to each other so trust in each other can be established, and the minds and perceptions can be changed. Our history is what it is. Nobody else has a perfect history either, and there are far worse histories out there than our own..
If this were any other country I'd tend to think we are past the point of fixing it, but we are the one place with the freedom and the means to make it happen.
It will either happen or we will reap the rewards of our own inaction. I have no idea how to get there, but if I had to guess I'd say start by hanging all the politicians..
I will admit I am very very skeptical of this ending well. I stocked up on ammo long ago...
JTyson":8ddc2f3m said:
His usual, sane-and-logical stuff...
Testify, JT. :thumbsup:

As per the OP's request, I'll attempt to finish the sentence as succinctly as possible, which means I'll only be able to add a single branch of the necessary tree:

We The People, in order to revive our once great nation... ?
... need a Giuliani to work the same magic he did for NY in every city.