I’ve had or tried them all. Marshall (old and new), old Mesa (1/2 backs, 1/2 back oversized bass cabs) new Mesa (regular and oversized) Vader, all of the popular high quality clones, etc. I’m down to like ten 4x12’s these days. lol
I have had a few old Marshall’s that sounded killer. One was a late 70’s with Celestion 75’s that sounded like greenbacks. Super smooth sounding. Nobody believed they were 75’s. My other Marshall cabinet everyone loved was a 1973 cab loaded with H30 Blackbacks. I brought it to an amp fest with Fortin, gainfreak, etc. and everyone was floored by it. It just sounds like no other cabinet. I’ve owned it since 1990.
All of that said, I have four Cameron 4x12’s that I really prefer and use the most. I don’t give a crap that it says Cameron (they are made by vboutique),the cabinets have straight from baffles and the grill cloth is several inches away from the baffle. This adds to the distinctive sound.