I have read through this and thought about a response. I don't think there is a a 'master of all.' I have cabs that I like and love and it's all about the speakers and how it behaves with the amp.
I have redone my area over the past month and have 11 fully setup and fully configured rigs. I have several heads that are tucked away at the moment too.
Amps like different things. My Tremoverb loves my Mesa cab. My Splawns do not get along with a recto cab. At all.
My doom rig (orange) slams with the Randall can that has two V30's and a single 15" fullback. The Nitro does not get along with it.
If you are running similar amps there are some that are more universal just in general. I find that a 4x12 with K85's on top and V30's works better hooked up to more amps just in general.
If I had to go down to two cabs, it would be the aforementioned Randall cab and the k85 butcher cab.
I have a relatively broad range of amps that I use (not as crazy as some of you guys) so I would need to compromise more for each rig and diversity.
If you have mainly or mostly JMP/JCM based or modded / Marshalls orientated amps, it's going to be different than me with things from a Splawn to a Recto to an Orange to a bassman to a Fryette. That is why I have a shit ton of cabs around for my selection of amps than others would need that have a less diverse rig. (not saying that in a bad way).
This was probably wasted breath, but it just depends what you have to do.