80's Rock Gods then & now

  • Thread starter Thread starter Samhain
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I think it's a bit of an illness for some. Especially the ones that made it big on looks/sex appeal.

You got two choices. Either stop attending all the high profile events or keep putting yourself
out there under the dozens of flashing bulbs.

And then there's the competition factor. It's gotta be like body-builders and roids.
If you don't do it you simply fall behind the pack.

Thank God for the rare ones who don't go completely nuts with it.

The Queen imo

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I think it is largely competition and insecurity. I posted some pictures of me at 27 and a couple pictures thirty years later at 57. Back in the day beautiful girls would freaking through themselves at me contstantly. As I got into my later 30's or early 40's it was just different and I was like what the F@#$ happened? You kind of realize that you are not 27 anymore and that that train has sailed. Youth is not eternal and time catches up with us all. In our culture women have to compete with 20 year old air brushed models on every magizine cover and other unrealistic examples of beauty. Guys can be as vain as women, but it is tougher for women because their worth or "sexual value" is largely based on apperance. When time starts catching up with them and younger prettier girls start getting all the attention they had always been used to receiving it can really screw with their head, confidence and self esteem. Hence some desperate and most often horribly regretful decisions to go under the knife in an attempt to turn back the hands of time.
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damn i had no idea jenna fell apart that bad, no wonder i havent heard much of her in a while
She married Tito Ortiz & got religion, go figure.
Because nothing sez Jesus more than a Porn Star & MMA fighter beating someone senseless.
She married Tito Ortiz & got religion, go figure.
Because nothing sez Jesus more than a Porn Star & MMA fighter beating someone senseless.

I think her face today says it even more (as in, "Jesus!!!").
I think her face today says it even more (as in, "Jesus!!!").

Well she definitely has enough proof on film/tape to cover "love thy neighbor".
I choose to remember the Jenna from the Howard Stern movie.

Jenna was worth a lot of money and branched out into other businesses. Where in Hell did she find the doctor that did that to her face? She should sue his ass for malpractice.
Where in Hell did she find the doctor that did that to her face?

I think her and Tito probably have one of those things like Gene Simmons and his wife.

Twice a year trip together to one of those couples spa places for the rich
that includes a little a little nipping and tucking.

I have a buddy who met Jenna when she was on her way up and did a titty bar dance tour. This was pre-plastic surgery. He has a Polaroid with her and she is just beyond gorgeous. I mean just beyond and it's not a pro shot photo at all. Why would anyone mess with their looks like that when they were already perfect? She looks like a monster now.
Why would anyone mess with their looks like that when they were already perfect?
I used to find this puzzling too until I realised that insecurities can affect anyone regardless of how he or she looks.

It used to do my head in a bit 'cause I consider myself very-average-looking and I'd see these aesthetically-blessed peeps seemingly taking it for granted and taking surgery measures when I'd be blown away just to look how they already did.
I have a buddy who met Jenna when she was on her way up and did a titty bar dance tour. This was pre-plastic surgery. He has a Polaroid with her and she is just beyond gorgeous. I mean just beyond and it's not a pro shot photo at all. Why would anyone mess with their looks like that when they were already perfect? She looks like a monster now.
I went with some friends to see her do her thing at a club near Los Angeles back in the late 90's and I was maybe 15-20 feet away from her and she was stunning for sure.
Not Jenna but back in the 90s a job perk was working our booth at the annual CES show in Vegas.
Car audio was still big back then so all those vendors would show in their own convention
center so they could be noisy without bothering the home audio guys.
I liked working our car booth.

I think it was 3 years straight the annual porn convention was held downstairs in the same hall as auto.
Car audio is mostly a boy thing so it guaranteed Porn companies tons of foot traffic.

That was an era of a lot of very beautiful stars in the industry, both big name and the ones coming up.
Raise your hand if you've shot the breeze with an adult film actress you recognize while waiting for a taxi.

And then at night you treated customers at the best clubs, who have to hire extra talent for the long
weekend and always pay top dollar - so every single dancer is a Jenna wanna-be.

It's almost sensory overload.
In a good way.
I ran into Ginger Lynn at a sushi place in Studio City a few years ago and chatted with her for a while. She was so cool, but more relevant to this thread, she looked and dressed age appropriate and had had no noticeable work done on her face or boobs. Yeah, she looked 60-something, but still had a great smile and carried herself with total grace and confidence. That will beat anything a plastic surgeon can do all day long.