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That's James Woods, and he's doing a fine job. Where's the real Biden?
You guys seemed concerned about ratings and numbers, here's a few more you forgot: 6.4% GDP with an expectation of a record-historic 2Q GDP, all-time high stock market, 200 million vaccinations and full employment just around the corner.
Is any of that based on pumping in trillions of dollars that the USA doesn't have? It certainly isn't from all the small businesses that were forced to close their doors.
Understood, a Democrat is in office so deficits matter...once again.

You seem to like history, so here's some:

Deficits don't matter
-Ronald Reagan

Reagan proved that deficits don't matter
-Dick Cheney

Debt is good
I love debt
I'm the King of debt

-Donald Trump
So, is the answer yes? Asking for a friend.
Tell your friend the answer is no. Those trends are being driven by future market expectations and recovery optimism that transcend the transitory nature of fiscal stimulus bumps.
Awesome... so, is Trump to thank for this, since all four years of growth under Trump resulted in Obama getting kudos.
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What's a greef? retard 🤣

You didn't read my post but you read and liked another fellow libtards post? Yeah that's believable 🤣

Short for GREEFER, something the kids say while playing online games. Yeah they spell it that way, so get with the program boomer :ROFLMAO:
"Recovery" -- as in recovery optimism used above-- is about how people (and markets) feel. It's positive in 2021 because of the vaccine, which didn't exist in March 2020.
What vaccine happened from 2016 onward?
So the Pfizer COVID vaccine existed in 2016. Huh, learn something new every day. Tell us more.
.... That was MY POINT. Wow... have to explain everything. You CLEARLY indicated that the reason the economy is doing well in 2021 is due to vaccine access. However, the economy had a big upsurge (and continued that trend) since 2016 (when Trump took over). My RHETORICAL point was, if it wasn't for Trump's policies, then what was it? What vaccine was around in 2016. SARCASM... Fuck, you're the one who then stated the names of the vaccines when I made reference to 2016 onward. Then I stated, really, in 2016 we had those vaccines... more SARCASM. Then you stated "So, the Pfizer COVID vaccine existed in 2016." Christ, read your own posts.
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