A battle of the Larrys

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I thought the tone was good, just a little dry/undergained.

Are these amps super expensive? Don't get me wrong, the clip sounded good, but are these kinda like Wizards where they're kinda obscure but were used in a couple different iconic records?
They definitely are as expensive as it gets for current production amps. I have not gotten to play one yet, but speaking on Wizard, (regardless on where you fall on whether they cost too much), I can say confidently that every person I have who comes over and tries it genuinely is wowed- Hermansson is another amp that I’m sure will elicit a similar response (I just got mine), and the MI beta also has a really unique punch that people have loved. In short, I’m not saying that people need to get crazy expensive amps or that it doesn’t start being about little differences, but the difference is definitely noticeable in the room.
I'm happy for you, because others also build excellent-sounding amps and everyone should have what they like best.

I'm not interested in any more orders anyway because I'm stuck with orders for more than 4 years ?‍♂️
So you have 1/2 an order?
My dear defiant and envious boy,
your memory seems to be very bad,
and that even though you are still a few years younger than me ?

I told you before that I have 5 full-fledged jobs:

1 - car master
2 - Mechanical engineer
3 - CAD designer
4 - psychological astrologer
5 - Alternative practitioner for psychotherapy (with additional trainings)

So much for your trivialization of 'psychology for dummies' ?

Blah, blah, blah....

Can you imagine how psychologically bankrupt one would have to be if Larry is the one you need to straighten you out?
Can you imagine how psychologically bankrupt one would have to be if Larry is the one you need to straighten you out?

You have no idea what I'm like in real life.
This is in no way comparable to the board Larry here on RT :cool:
Here I have to react to written words and to people who anonymously write their frustration, bitterness and envy away from their souls and believe that in this way they can achieve psychological relief.
In real life, I not only hear the words, but also recognize the facial expressions and gestures towards me - that's a completely different story ?
They definitely are as expensive as it gets for current production amps. I have not gotten to play one yet, but speaking on Wizard, (regardless on where you fall on whether they cost too much), I can say confidently that every person I have who comes over and tries it genuinely is wowed- Hermansson is another amp that I’m sure will elicit a similar response (I just got mine), and the MI beta also has a really unique punch that people have loved. In short, I’m not saying that people need to get crazy expensive amps or that it doesn’t start being about little differences, but the difference is definitely noticeable in the room.
Yeah, I supposed the in-the-room sound was more impressive. The clip sounded cool, but I've heard better as far as YouTube clips go (no offense to the OP, just sharing my thoughts).
You have no idea what I'm like in real life.
This is in no way comparable to the board Larry here on RT :cool:
Here I have to react to written words and to people who anonymously write their frustration, bitterness and envy away from their souls and believe that in this way they can achieve psychological relief.
In real life, I not only hear the words, but also recognize the facial expressions and gestures towards me - that's a completely different story ?
Bullshit. You take money with a 7 year wait for amps. No refunds. That’s who you are in real life. Same as here. An arsehole. It doesn’t take 7 years to build an amp. It shouldn’t take 7 years to build 70 amps for fucks sake. Go back to your weird plastic looking girlfriend and enjoy your disco nightlife you shit eating vampire.
Bullshit. You take money with a 7 year wait for amps. No refunds. That’s who you are in real life. Same as here. An arsehole. It doesn’t take 7 years to build an amp. It shouldn’t take 7 years to build 70 amps for fucks sake. Go back to your weird plastic looking girlfriend and enjoy your disco nightlife you shit eating vampire.

Based on your posts over the past few months, I noticed that in addition to your 5 or so favorite words, your entire vocabulary is limited to around 20 to 30 words.
This observation led me to the conviction that you must be a very highly educated and intellectually admirable person.
Because of this, you deserve my utmost respect!
Chapeau (y)
Based on your posts over the past few months, I noticed that in addition to your 5 or so favorite words, your entire vocabulary is limited to around 20 to 30 words.
This observation led me to the conviction that you must be a very highly educated and intellectually admirable person.
Because of this, you deserve my utmost respect!
Chapeau (y)
Deflect much ? Cripes you must be a genius. Is there anything you CAN’T do ? Oh ya, build an amp in a reasonable amount of time. THAT escapes you. Fuckwit.
Deflect much ? Cripes you must be a genius. Is there anything you CAN’T do ? Oh ya, build an amp in a reasonable amount of time. THAT escapes you. Fuckwit.

Oh I woke up a sleeping dog - and now he's barking ?

Oh paulyc, if you knew how predictable you are to me, you would cry.

You are one of those who, well protected and anonymous behind your computer monitor at home, have the courage to hurl big words onto the web...
... but when someone meets you in real life, you're the one who can't open his mouth because of cowardice, fear and feelings of inferiority ?‍♂️

Translated directly, this means that you are abusing the web to provide yourself with mental relief, completely without therapy or medication.

You choose some people on the web as your personal victims in order to (try to) abuse them as a psychological crutch for your psychological inadequacies :cool:
Oh I woke up a sleeping dog - and now he's barking ?

Oh paulyc, if you knew how predictable you are to me, you would cry.

You are one of those who, well protected and anonymous behind your computer monitor at home, have the courage to hurl big words onto the web...
... but when someone meets you in real life, you're the one who can't open his mouth because of cowardice, fear and feelings of inferiority ?‍♂️

Translated directly, this means that you are abusing the web to provide yourself with mental relief, completely without therapy or medication.

You choose some people on the web as your personal victims in order to (try to) abuse them as a psychological crutch for your psychological inadequacies :cool:
Ha ! You’re delusional. I’d say anything I typed to your face straight up, no problem.

Tell me this. Why does it take longer than a month of your spare time to make each amp ? You should be able to do 12/year ! Seems reasonable. I’d venture a guess that since you’re such a super genius in your advanced age (and experience level) that you SHOULD be able to knock out an amp one per week ! But that’s NOT the case, is it Larry ? Otherwise the wait wouldn’t be SEVEN FUCKING YEARS !
Mark Cameron my words, one day Larry is just going to pack up and retire off to Russia or somewhere, leaving many unfulfilled orders and a bunch of angry customers left with no recourse just holding their dicks in their hands. It’s gonna be sooner than later.
You have no idea what I'm like in real life.
This is in no way comparable to the board Larry here on RT :cool:
Here I have to react to written words and to people who anonymously write their frustration, bitterness and envy away from their souls and believe that in this way they can achieve psychological relief.
In real life, I not only hear the words, but also recognize the facial expressions and gestures towards me - that's a completely different story ?

So basically what you're saying is, "I'm not an asshole, I just play one on the Internet." Well sir, I salute you. You do it very well.

All the same, I think I'd rather have Hannibal Lecter tinkering inside my head.
Ha ! You’re delusional. I’d say anything I typed to your face straight up, no problem.

Tell me this. Why does it take longer than a month of your spare time to make each amp ? You should be able to do 12/year ! Seems reasonable. I’d venture a guess that since you’re such a super genius in your advanced age (and experience level) that you SHOULD be able to knock out an amp one per week ! But that’s NOT the case, is it Larry ? Otherwise the wait wouldn’t be SEVEN FUCKING YEARS !

Why should I explain something to you that you wouldn't understand anyway because you have no idea of the meticulousness and accuracy that I put into building my amps?

A workload that in your naivety and ignorance you would estimate to be perhaps 40 hours is in reality 120 hours (British Purist) or even 180 hours (Dino 962).

Has your jaw dropped to your breastbone now?
And why should I work like a horse when I haven't needed to work to earn money for almost two decades and am just doing it for the fun of my hobby?

How do you know how many orders are on my waiting list and how many amps I build in total each year?

Maybe you should take your crystal ball back to customer service because it's obviously malfunctioning?

And if my waiting time actually increases to seven years at some point and the customers accept this, then it is their decision and not your problem.
Why are you worrying about other people's affairs when you're not on my waiting list and you certainly have a lot of problems of your own that you should address instead of criticizing other people's affairs?

Is this perhaps what is a well-known phenomenon among German psychologists - namely:

'If I'm overwhelmed by my own garden, I'd rather water my neighbor's flowers'
Mark Cameron my words, one day Larry is just going to pack up and retire off to Russia or somewhere, leaving many unfulfilled orders and a bunch of angry customers left with no recourse just holding their dicks in their hands. It’s gonna be sooner than later.

Hey, thegame!
I'll tell you something now with complete confidence:

I already have been living in Russia for three years :giggle:

But please don't tell anyone else!
It must remain our secret!
Sounds great Jeremy

Would be wicked to hear your MOAB and Hellion through the g12t75’s to reference the differences!

FYI, I fully admit I make the worst clips out there. It is what it is. I’m just not good at, nor do I have the energy to go balls to the wall with all the recording trickery to make an amp sound perfect. I think in some ways it’s a disservice to do it. That 802 is a great amp. But the demo I heard of it before makes the amp sound even better than it actually is in the room. I’m NOT knocking anyone or the amp, AT ALL. No offense to anyone. It’s a killer sounding amp, as is my 822.

Here’s a clip of the Hellion with the T75’s. I agree that a 57 doesn’t capture the essence in the room. The Hellion is noticeably tighter than the 802 or 822 and has a much bigger low end. I don’t think this is captured in the clip at all. You can hear though that the low mids are not as pronounced as the Dinos. This doesn’t mean my amp is better or worse, just different. There is no better, just preferences that are totally subjective.

I don’t post this to say my amp is better or worse. But your post got me thinking it would interesting to do. I could probably tweak the Hellion to be closer to the Larry, but it’s not a Larry so not really any point. I actually dig the T75’s with this amp.

This is all the same setup as I used to record the Dinos. I didn’t even move the mic.

Also, excuse the logo. I threw a bare CNC aluminum one on. But I like the black version better.

Oh I woke up a sleeping dog - and now he's barking ?

Oh paulyc, if you knew how predictable you are to me, you would cry.

You are one of those who, well protected and anonymous behind your computer monitor at home, have the courage to hurl big words onto the web...
... but when someone meets you in real life, you're the one who can't open his mouth because of cowardice, fear and feelings of inferiority ?‍♂️

Translated directly, this means that you are abusing the web to provide yourself with mental relief, completely without therapy or medication.

You choose some people on the web as your personal victims in order to (try to) abuse them as a psychological crutch for your psychological inadequacies :cool:
We got mother fuckin Hannibal Lecturer here. This is great.