A battle of the Larrys

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And to lighten up your gloomy murmurs, my dear thegame, I'll actually take the time for you (which you don't deserve) and explain to you why I was so interested in the NATAS from FH.

It was at the time when I still had the intention of suing Mike Fortin for plagiarism. FH didn't want a mod, but a complete rebuild of his NATAS into a Pure Metal Machine.

In this case I would have had a complete original NATAS circuit board left over. And an original board is much better evidence in court than just numerous photos ?

But I then rejected the idea of suing Mike Fortin because he has already been punished enough due to his obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and impotence - I don't need to add another ?

And again, look into the mirror and tell me, who is the conspiratorial idiot :cool:
You were only interested because those amps never came across your bench. No proof, just more lies. Your word means nothing. Even if there was any justification to such an undertaking, you would have further delayed current orders and completely sabotaged that chimaera of an amp. Don’t edit out portions of my comments for which you haven’t the balls to reply to.
It was at the time when I still had the intention of suing Mike Fortin for plagiarism. FH didn't want a mod, but a complete rebuild of his NATAS into a Pure Metal Machine.
After your jealous egomaniacal blustering on this forum about how you had said amp on your bench proving it to be a rip off of yours, you THEN scrambled to procure said amp for legal reasons?

What a complete crock of fucking shit.

We’ve already established that you never patented your circuit.

You didn’t reinvent the wheel, there is nothing patentable in your circuit. There is nothing to sue for.

Of course you’ve always known this.

When I spoke with you on the phone in 2016 you claimed you already had a NATAS on your bench which proved that MF ripped off your BHR circuit.
Then years later when you impulsively posted your narrative here in a jealous fit, you changed your mind and said it was the SCR circuit, you couldn’t even keep it straight, there was the first red flag.

But posting your story did its job, gaining interest, sympathy and trust from potential customers on this forum, some of whom sent you deposits thinking it bought them a secure place in line.

While they wait unknowingly, YOU SECRETLY OFFER someone the opportunity to jump the queue in return for something you think will support your paranoid suspicions and unproven claims, essentially giving all of your other waiting customers the middle finger.
And even the customer you were giving special treatment to would have probably received a special boobytrapped surprise in his amp making it unserviceable.

You can rant and rave with your ridiculous mind numbing word salads all day long, but Thegame is correct, you don’t have the balls to face the facts.

Larry, you are a complete fucking pussy.
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You were only interested because those amps never came across your bench. No proof, just more lies. Your word means nothing. Even if there was any justification to such an undertaking, you would have further delayed current orders and completely sabotaged that chimaera of an amp. Don’t edit out portions of my comments for which you haven’t the balls to reply to.

Believe what you want, you lonely old man. It's not my job to have to prove something to you ?‍♂️
In any case, on this beautiful sunny Sunday every minute is too good for me to waste confirming your bitterness and easing your boredom.

The same applies to your bosom friend Disfigured, where I don't even bother to read his frustration text.

Incidentally, it is my decision what in your posts I react to and what I ignore. After all, this is not a school where a teacher wants to decide which topic is discussed.

I won't let you two spoil my good Sunday mood ?
I'm off now, heading towards the sun with my black fun machine. Have fun by scratching your balls :cheers:
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Believe what you want, you lonely old man. It's not my job to have to prove something to you ?‍♂️
In any case, on this beautiful sunny Sunday every minute is too good for me to waste confirming your bitterness and easing your boredom.

The same applies to your bosom friend Disfigured, where I don't even bother to read his frustration text.

Incidentally, it is my decision what in your posts I react to and what I ignore. After all, this is not a school where a teacher wants to decide which topic is discussed.

I won't let you two spoil my good Sunday mood ?
I'm off now, heading towards the sun with my black fun machine. Have fun by scratching your balls :cheers:
When cornered, the frightened little child whimpers away, like usual. A real man will face tough questions. You are an overgrown child. VERY overgrown.
I'm off now, heading towards the sun with my black fun machine....

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Yes. The wizard was first. I tend to dial it very bright with the presence, treble and bright up high. It can be dialed back a lot. Wizards have a punch like no other.
I'd have to amend your comment to.."Wizards have a punch similar to a good vintage 70s Superlead or HiWatt". Had a 2010 MC100 with the C transformers, killer thumper for sure. Until I got a 72 Superlead I thought nothing punched like that Wizard. I was wrong.
Believe what you want, you lonely old man. It's not my job to have to prove something to you ?‍♂️
In any case, on this beautiful sunny Sunday every minute is too good for me to waste confirming your bitterness and easing your boredom.

The same applies to your bosom friend Disfigured, where I don't even bother to read his frustration text.

Incidentally, it is my decision what in your posts I react to and what I ignore. After all, this is not a school where a teacher wants to decide which topic is discussed.

I won't let you two spoil my good Sunday mood ?
I'm off now, heading towards the sun with my black fun machine. Have fun by scratching your balls :cheers:
Yes look at your post count in the past month versus mine and then tell me who is scratching their shrivelled old sterile balls.

You are all bluster, spending countless hours behind a keyboard cultivating your false image, but slowly the curtain is being pulled back to reveal that you are really just a bitter old senile fool of zero substance driven by an unhinged jealousy of more successful amp builders.

Your house of cards is falling, you can’t defend yourself against the facts, you can’t defend yourself against your exposed lies.

So run away you fucking pussy, just like you run away from working on your customers’ amps.

Your legacy could have been that of a successful amp builder, instead your days will end with everyone knowing you were an old shrivelled lying petulant cunt surrounded by a bunch of unfinished amps.
A few years after which the name Helmut Grohmann will carry all the weight and appeal of a fart in the wind.
I'd have to amend your comment to.."Wizards have a punch similar to a good vintage 70s Superlead or HiWatt". Had a 2010 MC100 with the C transformers, killer thumper for sure. Until I got a 72 Superlead I thought nothing punched like that Wizard. I was wrong.
The Hell Razor KT150 outpunches all of the above IME, but my 72 does punch harder I think than the MTL and MC I had (also with C transformers)

In my journey for a while it was like nothing punches harder than a Wizard until getting a ‘70’s SuperLead and Hiwatt, then a Carlsbro Herm, but with the HR KT150 I’m back again to square one with nothing punches harder than a Wizard lol
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I gotta say though everyone who builds learns from building other people's designs. I have absolutely no desire(let alone the skill) to be an amp designer/builder/start a company. Having said that I can build a jcm800 for example using pretty much the same component values as the next guy. Side by side would they be equal? I doubt it. If money were no object would someone who wanted a Dumble, Larry, Ground Zero, or whatever go with a person that cloned the amp over the original? For me personally it comes down to availability and cost. I'm not going to buy the LYR Ceres clone cause I like Kyle Rhodes, I know what I'm getting, and it's something I can afford and Im happy to pay the extra to get the real deal. On the same token I would buy a Ceriatone JCM800 over a new Marshall JCM800 cause it is good value. I honestly don't think Larry is losing business cause someone buys a Fortin. Just like Marshall isn't losing business cause I bought a Ceriatone 2204. If the ceriatone version didn't exist I still wouldn't buy a Marshall. The only way I think any company would honestly see a clone or copy affect them is if they were relatively the same cost and were equally accessible.

It's just like playing music we all learn and steal from each other. Just imagine someone paying to see a cover band for 20 when the actual band is playing the following night for 40. It's not going to happen unless they add something unique or you are friends with them. Now let's say the same scenario that the cover band is playing next week for 20 at the door and 200 dollar tickets for nose bleed section a year down the road?

Maybe I'm off thinking.
The thread title should be changed to:

Words have failed to solve any issues.
I'm just spitballing here, but can we have a cage match to the death? Larry unequivocally has earned one corner. We just have to figure out the other side.
Do you guys really think that this Larry amps are way better in tone, feel, etc... than a Bogner XTC or a cameron modded marshall, or a red seven those new red seven amps from italy for the price are really high quality amp or mezzabarbas also fall into that category, I never played a larry they sure sound good, but do they worth the money? and wait?
I’ve tried a lot of amps, Bogners, Diezels, older Wizards, etc. but not all of the top shelf amps, I haven’t tried a Cameron or Red Seven or Mezzabarbas, or anything Hermannson or any of the newer Wizards.

My answer would be that it’s better than all other amps I’ve tried to date, but saying way better is much more subjective. Boutique amps follow the law of diminishing returns, and just because it’s an expensive amp with NOS parts doesn’t mean it’s going to be the be all end all amp for everyone. I’ve tried amps made with top shelf parts that I thought sounded like shit. Boutique guitar amps are like works of art, you have to find the one that works for you.

There was a time when I and others would have said the Dino was the undisputed king, and word of mouth and gutshot porn, combined with its scarcity created a snowball of hype over the past decade. But since then some promising new competitors have popped up like the Wizard Hell Razor and the Hermannson Marshall rebuilds (I have only heard clips of both) and others (OP’s sound good), which seem to have some overlap with the Dino and may get close enough so that any perceived difference in quality might easily be offset by the cost and ease of getting one of those in your hands rather than trying to get a Larry. Certainly better than dealing with that lunatic directly.

One amp is not going to magically fit everyone’s style. I love the Dino’s clarity and openness, bite, and machine gun percussive lows. I can’t make a Bogner or Wizard sound like a Dino, but I can’t make a Dino sound like a Bogner or Wizard either. The Dino won’t have the compressed chug that some metal players are looking for, maybe a Hermannson or Ultra Uber will. Some players are looking for smoothness or pleasing warm round chewiness, I wouldn’t recommend a Dino for that. There are some players who I’m surprised bought or are waiting for a Dino, because I don’t think it will satisfy them based on their playing style. The Dino does what it does really well, if that’s the sound you’re going for. Maybe you would find that another amp would fit your style better.

So obviously, knowing what I know, and especially with some of the newer stuff coming out that has strong word of mouth and great sounding clips to back them up, I’m going to say not only is it not worth the time and money to get a Larry amp, but don’t even try because I’m not positive that all those who are currently waiting will even get an amp, and for other reasons if you take the time to review these threads.
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I’ve tried a lot of amps, Bogners, Diezels, older Wizards, etc. but not all of the top shelf amps, I haven’t tried a Cameron or Red Seven or Mezzabarbas, or anything Hermannson or any of the newer Wizards.

My answer would be that it’s better than all other amps I’ve tried to date, but saying way better is much more subjective. Boutique amps follow the law of diminishing returns, and just because it’s an expensive amp with NOS parts doesn’t mean it’s going to be the be all end all amp for everyone. I’ve tried amps made with top shelf parts that I thought sounded like shit. Expensive guitar amps are like works of art, you have to find the one that works for you.

There was a time when I and others would have said the Dino was the undisputed king, and word of mouth and gutshot porn, combined with its scarcity created a snowball of hype over the past decade. But since then some promising new competitors have popped up like the Wizard Hell Razor and the Hermannson Marshall rebuilds (I have only heard clips of both) and others (OP’s sound good), which seem to have some overlap with the Dino and may get close enough so that any perceived difference in quality might easily be offset by the cost and ease of getting one of those in your hands rather than trying to get a Larry. Certainly better than dealing with that lunatic directly.

One amp is not going to magically fit everyone’s style. I love the Dino’s clarity and openness, bite, and machine gun percussive lows. I can’t make a Bogner or Wizard sound like a Dino, but I can’t make a Dino sound like a Bogner or Wizard either. The Dino won’t have the compressed chug that some metal players are looking for, maybe a Hermannson or Ultra Uber will. Some players are looking for smoothness or pleasing warm round chewiness, I wouldn’t recommend a Dino for that. There are some players who I’m surprised bought or are waiting for a Dino, because I don’t think it will satisfy them based on their playing style. The Dino does what it does really well, if that’s the sound you’re going for. Maybe you would find that another amp would fit your style better.

So obviously, knowing what I know, and especially with some of the newer stuff coming out that has strong word of mouth and great sounding clips to back them up, I’m going to say it’s not worth the time and money to get a Larry, because I’m not positive you would even get an amp if you put your money down, and for other reasons if you take the time to review these threads.
Every time someone stops believing in Larry, a caterpillar dies