A-Bone (of TGP fame ) has a go fund me page for a serious uninsured illness

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Based on the snark and ill-will expressed here in response to my offer to help, I've had a change of heart.

I'll just use the money to build a Warmoth parts-caster instead.

Good luck and Godspeed, Seth !
That's cool. I didn't think you were being serious to begin with :lol: :lol: :lol:
Based on the snark and ill-will expressed here in response to my offer to help, I've had a change of heart.

I'll just use the money to build a Warmoth parts-caster instead.

Good luck and Godspeed, Seth !
You being funny or a cunt? 🤔 confusing response is…confusing…
I took it as dark humour but a being a cunt works too lol
Just an FYI. Here in the states the word cunt is a lot more offensive than in Britain and presumably Australia. It’s the kind of word that when you use it in a real life situation. There is 100% chance of violence ensuing.
Just an FYI. Here in the states the word cunt is a lot more offensive than in Britain and presumably Australia. It’s the kind of word that when you use it in a real life situation. There is 100% chance of violence ensuing.

And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
You cunt, I'm not a queer
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
I've lived a life that´s full
I've traveled each and every highway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way

Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did, what I had to do
And saw it through with out exemption
I planned each chartered course
Each careful step along the highway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way

There were times, I'm sure you knew
When there was fuck fuck fuck-all else to do
But through it all, when there was doubt
I shot it up or kicked it out
I faced the wall and the world
And did it my way

I've laughed and been a snide
I've had my fill, my share of losing
And now, the tears subside
I find it all so amusing
To think, I killed a cat
And may I say, not in a gay way
Oh no, oh no not me
I did it my way
You being funny or a cunt? 🤔 confusing response is…confusing…
Naw, I am completely serious.

I have two YouTube channels, and combined they bring in about $1,200 per month in passive income. They're mostly isolated guitar tracks, but they also have original guitar instrumental music that I write and record.

But since the response is nothing but mocking and name-calling, I'll just spend that money on something else.

I'm sure you can understand that.

Good talk, fellas ! Peace

Naw, I am completely serious.

I have two YouTube channels, and combined they bring in about $1,200 per month in passive income. They're mostly isolated guitar tracks, but they also have original guitar instrumental music that I write and record.

But since the response is nothing but mocking and name-calling, I'll just spend that money on something else.

I'm sure you can understand that.

Good talk, fellas ! Peace

That is the goofiest most petty shit I've ever heard. You're going to "punish" your in-need TGP buddy with ill health because I made a joke about your YT channel? Grow up dude. And quit spamming your stupid commercial guitar channel shit in here as well, friendo.
But since the response is nothing but mocking and name-calling, I'll just spend that money on something else.
You've said this a couple o' times but it's not the case Brother C:

The first response to your offer was this; it's the one that wasn't great:

I’m sure that will help 🙄

... but the next was this one, one of encouragement, and no further criticisms were made:

That was a denialist thing to say :dunno:

Good on you Arch PLX :cheers:

I don't know this A-Bone guy but I hope he gets better :yes:
So, 1 negative and 1 positive. Certainly not "nothing but mocking and name-calling", which reminds me - there was no name-calling either, so a double misrepresentation from you.

FWIMBW, I thought it was a mighty-fine gesture. :thumbsup:
Naw, I am completely serious.

I have two YouTube channels, and combined they bring in about $1,200 per month in passive income. They're mostly isolated guitar tracks, but they also have original guitar instrumental music that I write and record.

But since the response is nothing but mocking and name-calling, I'll just spend that money on something else.

I'm sure you can understand that.

Good talk, fellas ! Peace

Okay then. I do not know the guy and I hate to see anyone in need and struggling, but you made a very meaningful gesture with your offer. Then you immediately rescinded it as soon as someone said something you didn’t like. It just doesn’t leave you in the best light that’s all. But by all means it’s your money to do what you see fit with. I just wouldn’t put my business on Main Street. Someone will always say something when you do.