A thread about simplicity

My ideal setup is a single humbucker with a single volume knob into a tight as fuck amp that needs no boost into a v30 loaded cabinet. i can get by on a single channel but a switchable second is useful sometimes. I play hardcore, death metal, etc, I have simple needs for my passion music.

nothing else

Problem is I end up as a fill-in and replacement guy for indie, pop, punk, kinda shit that requires a little more texture.

I use more shit based on needs of a band but the more bullshit in the chain, the more potentially for loss, shit fucking up at a gig and needing to be troubleshot, etc
Not sure if it fits the criteria for this thread but things I’ve discovered over the years…these are my trufs…and it’s important I share my trufs….
1) more watts = better tone and articulation…kinda. Me and glp80 had a discussion about this once.
2) low output pickups seem to have a richer tonal pallet…lol
3) a higher string action and a little heavier strings sound better.
4) turn the fuckin gain down…for real…
5) what sounds killer wanking in the room sounds like dogshit with a band live…9/10 times…
6) lots of opinions on forums are regurgitated bull shit that people have read on forums or seen a video and have no clue what they’re talking about.
7) I suck and don’t ask me for clips.
8) Wayne has a barrel of magic pixie dust that he uses in his builds.
8) Charveldan has turned into my bro despite his tds…
9) why the fuck am I typing this shit? Fuck…
10) pups wired wide open with no tone control in the signal chain sound better….
My ideal setup is a single humbucker with a single volume knob into a tight as fuck amp that needs no boost into a v30 loaded cabinet

nothing else

I use more shit based on needs of a band but the more bullshit in the chain, the more potentially for loss, shit fucking up at a gig and needing to be troubleshot, etc
When my kids were younger, i had a les paul. I went to play and man, my amp sounded horrible. Thought it was broken. I couldnt figure it out. Ordered all new tubes.

Did a lot of fucking with eq, all kinds of time wasting shit. Turns out my kids had rolled the tone knob down on the guitar. I never use it, so didnt check it.

I got rid of all the dumb shit shorty after..if there is something to fuck up, i will find a way
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I loved HC. Didn’t they get sued for copyright? Isn’t that why they stopped tabs?
Not sure what happened…. Thump decided to start this place up and boom 💥 here we are….. hcaf was the Wild West though…lots of these fuckos on here…their heads would explode 🤯
Not sure if it fits the criteria for this thread but things I’ve discovered over the years…these are my trufs…and it’s important I share my trufs….
1) more watts = better tone and articulation…kinda. Me and glp80 had a discussion about this once.
2) low output pickups seem to have a richer tonal pallet…lol
3) a higher string action and a little heavier strings sound better.
4) turn the fuckin gain down…for real…
5) what sounds killer wanking in the room sounds like dogshit with a band live…9/10 times…
6) lots of opinions on forums are regurgitated bull shit that people have read on forums or seen a video and have no clue what they’re talking about.
7) I suck and don’t ask me for clips.
8) Wayne has a barrel of magic pixie dust that he uses in his builds.
8) Charveldan has turned into my bro despite his tds…
9) why the fuck am I typing this shit? Fuck…
10) pups wired wide open with no tone control in the signal chain sound better….
You are sharing gold here.
When i started my high gain path, i had someone leading me with 20 year old forum info. He would tell me that my amp was noisy because my technique sucked.
He would use a lot of the regurgitated sayings that you used to read all the time. But he was blunt with me about how shitty my playing was, so i would tighten it up.
I am still just a hack, but i am better than i was and now i am doing same thing with my bud (leading him to the darkside of high gain) and trying to actually help him not make my mistakes
I think there are Three ways that we can fuck up.
1 We read these glowing reviews of an amp and buy the thing only to find we don't like it.
2 we play the amp with different guitar/speakers and think it is awesome only to find that it doesn't work with our setup.
3 we play the amp with our guitar with same speakers, but don't have our current amp there to compare.
4 Honeymoon-Phase is over
5 You realize that you like the other Amp better, for whatever reason, after a while.
6 You'll never know unless you try
7 Repeat steps 1-7
8 Repeat steps 1-8 several times with the same Amp
9 Tastes Change
10 Decide for 1 Amp
11 Start all over again
12 Move to a different place. Everything sounds different. Repeat steps 1-11 with all the 50 Amps you already had before.
13 Start playing the Piano. :D
4 Honeymoon-Phase is over
5 You realize that you like the other Amp better, for whatever reason, after a while.
6 You'll never know unless you try
7 Repeat steps 1-7
8 Repeat steps 1-8 several times with the same Amp
9 Tastes Change
10 Decide for 1 Amp
11 Start all over again
12 Move to a different place. Everything sounds different. Repeat steps 1-11 with all the 50 Amps you already had before.
13 Start playing the Piano. :D
I did the piano one. I have made these mistakes. That is why i have to find an amp that beats mind before i move on. Plus i really love mine
4 Honeymoon-Phase is over
5 You realize that you like the other Amp better, for whatever reason, after a while.
6 You'll never know unless you try
7 Repeat steps 1-7
8 Repeat steps 1-8 several times with the same Amp
9 Tastes Change
10 Decide for 1 Amp
11 Start all over again
12 Move to a different place. Everything sounds different. Repeat steps 1-11 with all the 50 Amps you already had before.
13 Start playing the Piano. :D
14. Give up on ever sounding good, sell everything, and take up playing bass.
I am not saying you are wrong. But I think it is only accurate for 1/3.

And when I say a third, I am not saying equal parts. Take Rig-talk; you have three tiers. You have musicians: @DanTravis62 , @Techdeth , @VonBonfire , etc, You have tone snobs: @braintheory , me, etc. But then you have this third tier of almost mutant like people. I can't tag anyone to this because it is just too fucking mean. But I would think they are more like what you describe. I think they look for gear either in a nonscientific way or in a hopeful magical way; like the gear is going to make them a better player. They buy a brand and become a brand whore and that brand is best and all other is shit, until a month later when they get a new piece of gear.

For guys like DanTravis or Techie, they appreciate a lot of gear, but at the end of the day could make a shit load of basic gear "work"
I have a friend I won't tag that is interested in higher end gear, but still calls it snake oil, and just makes music.

For guys like me and Sam, and SAm, please forgive me for talking for you and lumping you in with me, but I think we look for the gear to complement our playing and to keep us inspired. I have used basic gear before and made some cool stuff, but i tire of working on projects with shit really quickly. So it is easier to use gear where you get a great sound, and it inspires you to continue. I found this long ago with acoustic guitars.

I suppose you could add a fourth. And these people are the sickest of us all. They have storage containers and garages full of amps. The amp hoarders are great, too. At the end of the day, all of us are sick or we wouldn't be on this site talking about this shit, obsessing over this shit. But I am glad we are.
I def can get a great tone out of a Blue Voodoo if needed
Currently my rig is guitar-tuner-Morris Sirrom-Boss SDE3 in the loop- Greenback 412

I have a Strat, two Hum Single guitars, and a single hum guitar (not including the RR1 that’s for sale).

I can get every sound I’ve wanted out of that simple rig and my hands.

I went through a a brief delusional period where I thought I needed “versatile gear”, but I get much more joy out of approaching the same gear with a different attack and getting a whole other set of sounds.
Currently my rig is guitar-tuner-Morris Sirrom-Boss SDE3 in the loop- Greenback 412

I have a Strat, two Hum Single guitars, and a single hum guitar (not including the RR1 that’s for sale).

I can get every sound I’ve wanted out of that simple rig and my hands.

I went through a a brief delusional period where I thought I needed “versatile gear”, but I get much more joy out of approaching the same gear with a different attack and getting a whole other set of sounds.
Gotta get that tuner out of there and get a clip on tuner...Toan for days!