
  • Thread starter Thread starter Dan Gleesak
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It's all there in every link Donnie thats never the problem . The problem lies with certain types of people especially liberals who by nature are unwilling to ever be proven incorrect on things , it's always been that way . Liberals even reject Wikileaks and many will not even entertain looking at the info for fear of being proven wrong.
It's all there in every link Donnie thats never the problem . The problem lies with certain types of people especially liberals who by nature are unwilling to ever be proven incorrect on things , it's always been that way . Liberals even reject Wikileaks and many will not even entertain looking at the info for fear of being proven wrong.
You're the dumbest most easily led person I've ever met.

Totally serious. Wow. You're stupid doesn't even have a clinical name. Well, maybe delusional psychosis.
Get some mental help, Chuckles.
You’re wife and family will appreciate it.

And he's really really stupid .
I sense some libtard rage boiling up , go tell your Mom and Grandma that you need to be put in your safe space for a while .
Delusional where a person has an unshakeable belief in something implausible, bizarre, or obviously untrue. Paranoid delusion and delusions of grandeur are two examples of psychotic delusions. A person with psychosis will often believe an individual or organisation is making plans to hurt or kill them.

Yes....I'm out to get you. Booga booga booga. I'm after you. I'm under the bed. I watch you through your windows. I'm the noise you hear in the still of the night. Booga booga booga.

Hahahahahahaha. You're a mental case. Hahahahaha. I can't wait till you flip out and I read about you in the news.
I love how you keep proving my point .

A sincere thank you :thumbsup:
Scary stuff in the news!!! Post more links you delusional mental case. Fill your tiny head with those crackpot lies. Then go out and exact revenge!!! I know you want to. Make the world know your power and the truth only you know. Make the world suffer. Go, do it.
Bertrand Russell was a eugenicist

I could give two fucks. His concept is sound.

A month or so ago CCN posted a picture of a children's playground where all of the
equipment likes slides, spring animals, etc. were instead large penises and vaginas.
He said that they are going up all over and being forced on kids.

I said the story is bullshit and he told me to prove it.

Fuck that.

He makes a crazy claim - "going up all over and being forced on kids" - it's up to him to prove
it with more than a picture of someone's gonzo swing set and a few whack job links.