Advice: Bridge Pickup for alder super strat

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Talk to Scottosan about his Sunset Strip, I have one in a Dinky and it sounds exactly like what you are looking for.

Seriously, his pickups are quality. I'm rooting for him to get the production going and marketing out there. I'm also hoping he does a hot PAF style. I will also take this chance to pump his Alnico 8. I know mine is wilder and not his finished product but this pickup let me tell you..this thing feels like VH to me. Chewy, gainy, and cuts. Load . Blown.
Also a big fan of the Duncan Custom/59 Hybrid.

Very cool pickup! That said, I also really like the much-maligned Full Shred, so there’s that… I have a Duncan Aniquity in the bridge of a Super-Tele that sounds quite tasty as well.

Very cool pickup! That said, I also really like the much-maligned Full Shred, so there’s that… I have a Duncan Aniquity in the bridge of a Super-Tele that sounds quite tasty as well.
I'm a pickup swapping whore and I think certain pickups and certain guitars just gel. Haven't most of us bought a pickup based on another guitar that sounds great...only for it to disappoint?
Best sounding pickups, regardless of price.
I met Jeff in a Starbucks to discuss a bridge humbucker since we lived about 30 min apart. Early 2000s. That pickup still resides in my has gone thru 2 LPs. It's a prototype Maximus 9k7/A5.
What about a Dimzarzio Super Distortion? They sound killer in alder super strats. It may be pushing it on the output side, but it’s not extreme output either. It would definitely add some good mids and weight to the tone.
+1. I have a super distortion in the bridge position in a Strat and a paf 36th anniv In the neck. No desire to try anything else, though there is probably something better. Couldn’t be happier
I think a Seymour Duncan JB (+ a Duckbucker middle, and Little 59 neck) or Pearly Gates (+ 2x Texas special single coils) would be great. It's a popular bridge pick-up for alder body.
Fender used to use 'em all the time on HSS strats (y)
I had both but that was centuries ago..

The set JB bridge - Jazz neck from SD is a tried & true solution, an all time classic that works great in alder body for almost all styles of music. You could also try a SD distortion although that would work better on a mahogany body.

Check this out: the JB Jr with a full sized and you're good to go ?

Another popular combination for alder body is the set Ibanez uses the most, on their Prestige models: DiMarzio The Tone Zone (Bridge), DiMarzio True Velvet (Middle) and DiMarzio Air Norton (Neck).
Otherwise it's a rabbit hole unfortunately..
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I'm a pickup swapping whore and I think certain pickups and certain guitars just gel. Haven't most of us bought a pickup based on another guitar that sounds great...only for it to disappoint?
I hear ya been there! The Full Shred is kinda like the Screaming Demon - love or hate. Not much middle ground on these two in particular...
I hear ya been there! The Full Shred is kinda like the Screaming Demon - love or hate. Not much middle ground on these two in particular...

I have an old Screamin' Demon in a maple bodied strat and it sounds killer. I've never liked that pickup much in any other guitars.

As to the original question: I have good luck with Duncan Customs and Dimarzio Super Distortions in alder body super strats. They seem to be very consistent in both working in about everything. However, my favorite pickup for that is usually an Anderson H-3, or possibly an H-3+. They do really nice in super strats. Great articulation, a bit warmer at the same time (not sure how that works out).
Ha Ha pickups.

Look back at RigTalk through the years.

4 years ago BareKnuckle pickups were the an absolute must.

What the fuck is a scottosan?
Ha Ha pickups.

Look back at RigTalk through the years.

4 years ago BareKnuckle pickups were the an absolute must.

What the fuck is a scottosan?
I think it was longer than 4 years ago iirc. Those are to me sterile sounding pickups that I think are for many an impressive gateway into boutique pickups because they have more clarity vs the Duncan’s & Dimarzio’s most are initially used to, but then you get pickups like Jim Wagner’s or Wolfetone that are at least as articulate (if not more) with way better tone and feel, then another step up Tone Specific and real vintage pickups
What about a Dimzarzio Super Distortion? They sound killer in alder super strats. It may be pushing it on the output side, but it’s not extreme output either. It would definitely add some good mids and weight to the tone.
I’m an A2 fan…very happy with the Jalen Pinnacle in my alder Charvel
Start with a JB trembucker and you can skip all the boutique high dollar alternatives. Best pickup value there is.
Suhr SSH+ or DSH/DSH+; the SSH+ is more screaming in the high end and the DSH is more warm but the difference is very subtle.
Being the psychopath that I am, I’ve ordered 5 pickups to try out. First to arrive was the Suhr Aldrich. Way higher output than I typically go for but curiosity got the best of me. Great pickup. Cons: a little heavy in the low end and smoother nature overall but I like it.
