Advice for a pedal power supply

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I've had enough of daisy-chaining with a PowerAll and OneSpot, too much noise & tangle.

What's a versatile, reliable multi-pedal power unit that would suit me?

My pedals that need power are: Electro Harmonix POG (older one) -> custom fuzz pedal -> Electro Harmonix Worm phaser (big one, needs 18V I think), Jim Dunlop 535Q wah-wah -> Danelectro Fish & Chips graphic EQ -> Visual Sound H2O Liquid Chorus & Echo -> Boss DD-20 delay.

All that's left is my Deluxe Electric Mistress, but that has its own hard-wired AC cord.
EXPcustom":w4fdir3s said:
Voodoo labs Pedal Power2 :thumbsup:

Thanks man. :)

I guess if I ask the same question on TGP, they'll tell me to commision Pete Cornish build me a super-duper power supply with extra buffers and gold-tipped connectors, for $3,000? :loco: \:D/
The voodoo labs power supplies are nice. Keep those powerall and one spot adapters as backups.

I have been fine with my powerall supplies, but my pedals all play nice together for the most part. I would love to have a pedal power plus, but I would need a few and I am just too cheap.
The Fuel Tank is a good option as well. I think the Dunlop brick and Voodoo are the same product with different labels, but I might be off on that.
Mudder":37t8y6f5 said:
The Fuel Tank is a good option as well. I think the Dunlop brick and Voodoo are the same product with different labels, but I might be off on that.
The Dunlop isn't the same as the Voodoo. I got alot of hum with the Brick but had no problem with the Voodoo.
I've got a PP2+, it's a great unit. I'm building a new pedalboard, and the PP2+ may not have enough outlets between my 9VDC and 18VDC needs. I'm thinking of going with the MXR CAE MC-403. It's got more 9VDC outlets, as well as 4 dedicated 18VDC outlets. (there are a few other outlets, I forget the specs) A little more pricey, but otherwise I'll need a second PP2+. If I do go with the MC-403, the PP2 will go on my 'B' board.
Make sure you buy a supply that has isolated outputs, that will help you avoid all kinds of noise/hum/ground loops etc :) The Pedal Power 2+ has isolated outputs, and it's an excellent quality power supply!
I have a question on this as well... Can you plug all your effects in the power supply, I mean the ones that go through the front of the amp, and the ones that go through the effects loop???

I believe I read against it, correct me if im wrong please...
Nico":9wldbdfb said:
I have a question on this as well... Can you plug all your effects in the power supply, I mean the ones that go through the front of the amp, and the ones that go through the effects loop???

I believe I read against it, correct me if im wrong please...

You should be fine to do that, if the power supply has isolated outputs :thumbsup:
Nico":molyjx74 said:
I have a question on this as well... Can you plug all your effects in the power supply, I mean the ones that go through the front of the amp, and the ones that go through the effects loop???

I believe I read against it, correct me if im wrong please...

I don't think you should if you don't have isolated outputs. That was the problem with my Dunlop Power Brick. It would hum like crazy when I had all my pedals hooked up to it. I then got another one so I could have my pedals out front powered by one and the pedals in the loop powered by one and then all my hum disappeared. It also expanded my number of pedals I could have in front and in the loop :thumbsup:
I'm considering selling my Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2 if interested. I'm not too sure though, I'm trying to get away from pedals but it's so handy to have around. It's the best power supply I've ever used and fits so nicely in my Pedal Train boards.
GuitarGoat":184a5nyk said:
Nico":184a5nyk said:
I have a question on this as well... Can you plug all your effects in the power supply, I mean the ones that go through the front of the amp, and the ones that go through the effects loop???

I believe I read against it, correct me if im wrong please...

I don't think you should if you don't have isolated outputs. That was the problem with my Dunlop Power Brick. It would hum like crazy when I had all my pedals hooked up to it. I then got another one so I could have my pedals out front powered by one and the pedals in the loop powered by one and then all my hum disappeared. It also expanded my number of pedals I could have in front and in the loop :thumbsup:

Yes I had issues with this until I got the PP2+, using isolated outs fixed it. You can also use several pedals on one outlet, as long as they harmonize well. I for example run the Phaser, the Chorus and the Wah from the same outlet, no issues.

And if it ain't bouteek enough, you can always get those 9V power cables from VOVOX for 50 bucks a piece :lol: :LOL:
Been using the Voodoolabs PP2+ for a few years now and the only complaint I have is that the leads are pretty short. The 'sag' option is COOL :thumbsup:
MrDan666":1814w7of said:
Nico":1814w7of said:
I have a question on this as well... Can you plug all your effects in the power supply, I mean the ones that go through the front of the amp, and the ones that go through the effects loop???

I believe I read against it, correct me if im wrong please...

You should be fine to do that, if the power supply has isolated outputs :thumbsup:

If the power supply doesn't have isolated outputs you can do it as well, but that increases your risk of having hum. I have run all the pedals in the loop and out front off one power-all, with no issues, but I picked up a 2nd one to handle the loop, also giving me a backup if one goes down.
Gig Rig Generator

Biggest power supplies out there.

+1 for the VLPP2+

All issues solved since I use the vlpp and I use a variety of digital and analog pedals in several combinations in front of the amp and in the loop. :thumbsup:
Guys, does the Voodoo labs power supply have 18v connectors and isolated outputs?

Can someone clarify this for me...

" If you're into many of the high end and so-called boutique pedals beware- many of them have Voltage and MilliAmp requirements that don't match well with the outputs on this unit. So unfortunate because I liked it."

Is this true? I found it in a review. And im scared because I am getting a couple of Suhr Pedals, Koko, Shiba, Riot and want to use them with with it....
There are channel specific switches on the bottom of the unit. In 1 position you get 9v, and in position 2 you get a higher voltage limit. From what I can remember, in position 2 the pedal 'pulls' as much voltage as it needs. See if you can download the PDF. Either way I wouldn't trust that statement, sounds a bit off to me. Why would a "boutique" pedal be any different than a mass produced one?

It's gotta be that Crystal Lattice :thumbsup: