Advice for a pedal power supply

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Nico":hts3dsn8 said:
Guys, does the Voodoo labs power supply have 18v connectors and isolated outputs?

Can someone clarify this for me...

" If you're into many of the high end and so-called boutique pedals beware- many of them have Voltage and MilliAmp requirements that don't match well with the outputs on this unit. So unfortunate because I liked it."

Is this true? I found it in a review. And im scared because I am getting a couple of Suhr Pedals, Koko, Shiba, Riot and want to use them with with it....

CIOKS... Serious business.

Position 2/on/whatever on the first few powers the old Boss ACA voltage requirement pedals, like the GE-7.

You can get 18VDC by using a series cable. Voodoo Lab sells them, or you can take some of the 'other' cables that come with it and make your own: Fulltone shows you how with this .pdf.
I used an MXR Brick for quite awhile with no problems before I went all that I'm moving back to an analog board, I just picked up a VL PP2+. You should be fine with either of those.
Mudder":2lmd03p2 said:
The Fuel Tank is a good option as well. I think the Dunlop brick and Voodoo are the same product with different labels, but I might be off on that.

Yeah I like the Fuel Tank, I had the standard one, but scaled back my board and went for the Fuel Tank jnr.