advice on yearly guitar maintanence/care?

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First, I use fast-fret and wipe down the strings and hardware contact points after every play session. My sweat is bad stuff. Any adjustments are done as needed at string change time. Every guitar gets a deep cleaning roughly annually along with oiling the fingerboard and polishing frets.
Wow. I must be in the minority. I change strings when they sound dead. Lube the board when it looks dry. Otherwise it’s just a light wipe of a cotton cloth to remove dust and fingerprints.
I usually change strings and wipe down... then depending on weather or how dry it the fretboard is, or how depending on how much i've been playing, clean it/ mosturize and polish guitar and frets. I got some of this lizard spit a while back, still have it, seems to be working pretty good, also use a microfiber cloth on the body... every couple months (Again depending on how much ive been playing it) will hit it with a little deox on the pots to clean the wipers.
I've always been unsure about how often to do this.

I started out once a year but have heard that even that might be too-often, so now it's every 5 years, which admittedly probably isn't enough... maybe? :dunno:

Keen to hear opinions...
cool though
I restring my guitar every 6-8 weeks. Wipe my string with a dry cloth after every practice session. I have a dry cloth with my guitar, to keep it free from dust. Then I oil it, to keep my fretboard smooth, clean, and playable. I always ensure to prevent it from any form of moisture also. I always clean the pickups too, after every practice session.
I just buy a new guitar whenever the strings start dulling out. Sounds expensive, but it's cheaper than Shrink visits.
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WhAt do u guys do for month to month guitar maintanence/care for your guitars? All i do is change strings ever 2 months , keep them in cases and wash my hands before playing and wipe my guitar down with a microfiber cloth after playing thats you need to use oil, lotion, lipstock, chapstick etc on fb or body or lube the nut? What else do u do to care and maintain the guitar? Please advice?
My routine is remove strings, clean entire guitar with naptha, condition all bare wood including fretboard with Howard feed and wax, (the best wood conditioner I've ever used), if nut is plastic, which is rare for me, lizard spit nut lube, (most of mine are bone of graphite which don't need lube), check tuner button tension, check all screws and nuts for proper tightness, apply F-40 ceramic coating to all metal parts, (really helps with gold plated parts), polish guitar with Martin guitar polish. About every 3-6 months depending on how much I play. I have lots of guitars so I use elixir strings to get more time out of them. I find uncoated strings oxidize even if you don't use them. Not to mention, uncoated strings are noisy.

Brian K Walko,
The studio from hell
Howard Feed N Wax wood conditioner.
Can anyone give me elaborate advice what to use to polish frets?

Not dirty, but I need to polish them a little. Also gonna be first time I do this, so I’m a little bit bit conserned.

No steel wool please, dont want to mess my pickups 😁
I change strings when I’m having an off night because it makes me feel like it’s not my fault