Aldrich++ Clip

Love how this it is in the low-mids...I occasionally wish Marshalls had more of this quality generally

Here’s the settings in the vid. Nothing outlandish or crazy. Obviously there’s a boatload more gain on tap. I actually feel the video has too much gain as is.

Yep sounds like the Cameron Aldrich (which Norum was actually using before Cameron showed it to Aldrich) with a more "traditional" NFB circuit and some top-end dialed out. When I did my Aldrich I initially used a standard NFB with the usual suspects adjustable (NFB, Depth, Presence, switchable caps) with the original preamp and it was in this ballpark but brighter. Great job.

That said might want to come up with a name before you start selling the amp...
Considering what it might cost, coming from the Aldrich, I’d name it the Sumrich