That’s not good enough you gotta also have a trendy looking SS with a fancy top that’s drenched in thick poly finish and sounds like furniture with strings, loaded with either EMG’s or Fluence’s or better yet have it with BKP’s like the Aftermath that think they’re more organic sounding. And that’ll only cover metal. I’ll take over the rest with the latest Klon or KoT clone and Dumble and Trainwreck pedals that sound just like the actual amps
Oh my god, I completely forgot. I need a Solar SS or a Kiesel headless to pose for "Striking" thumbnail pictures with crying emojis and a surprised face in profile shot.
That makes sense, you can cover the "first, heres my clean tone" content, which is always followed by demos of three trillion germanium fuzzes no one cares about while making orgasm faces playing the same jimi licks. Ill cover the "metal" territory with lots of jump cuts and the inevitable "use a loop pedal and show the range of every control while making tones no one would use" parts of the video.