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One RESET or Another (choose)

By Lex Greene

September 6, 2023

In case you haven’t figured this out yet, let me help.

The United States of America will very soon go through a total RESET that will impact absolutely everyone and everything. It will either be part of the World Economic Forum (WEF) GREAT COVID RESET designed to create a one world government, currency, and total system run by known Nazis and global tyrants that will make every living American a slave… or, it will be the exact opposite RESET of, by and for the legal American Citizens.

Make no mistake, one or the other WILL happen very soon. There is nothing between these two options, nothing at all. We WILL have one or the other. If we continue to allow the WEF Reset to advance in the USA, head Nazi Klaus Schwab will be half right in his promise, “we will own nothing” and they will own everything. But…no one will be happy except those with a seat at the WEF Nazi table…

For the WEF RESET to complete, the American people do not need to do anything at all. Americans can continue to sit quietly on the sidelines, waiting to see what happens next, hoping and praying for someone else to do something to prevent the final demise of the USA. They can continue to go-along to get-along, but in the end, they will never be able to get along with their new Nazi global masters.

To stop the WEF RESET from happening in the USA, there is a lot the American people will have to do, most of it things they have never done before, and things they have been gaslighted into never doing.

As I write,
for the first time in 247-years, a former President and major frontrunner in the 2024 GOP race for the White House has been attacked with a myriad of false charges that amount to nothing more than being charged with having and speaking his opinions regarding unlawful elections. I can sum up all of the charges against Trump really quick…

  • He’s charged with having an opinion that the global tyrants won’t tolerate.
  • He’s charged with stating that opinion as if he has a Right to free speech.
  • And he’s charged with peaceably assembling his supporters for redress of their growing number of grievances.
All of these things are protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, not to mention by Executive Privilege of a sitting and former President as well. No decent legitimate court anywhere on earth would ever even entertain such charges, certainly not in any “land of the free.”

Still, here we are…and with good reason, a vast majority of Americans fear the same fate if they dare to stand up and take action against the most criminal corrupt federal administration in 247-years of U.S. history. To be sure, the weaponized federal government must be respected for their immense power and assets currently aimed at every freedom and liberty loving American.

The gaslighting by the global Marxists currently in control of all federal assets under the leadership of Barack Hussein Obama, has been entirely successful. In fact, it has been so successful that many Americans still send their children to equally anti-American school systems tearing families apart and destroying generations at breakneck speed.

Contrary to false propaganda by the left and their entirely controlled news media, Americans are some of the most peaceful people anywhere on earth, or at least they used to be, before their own government unleashed hell on earth via BLM, ANTIFA and the mass invasion at our borders, forcing even democrat controlled “sanctuary cities” to push back against O’Biden policies.

Most days, you can look around and things seem largely normal, even though what now passes for normal stretches even the most insane imaginations. But understand, if you fear your government, YOU ALREADY LIVE UNDER BOOT! You have already surrendered!

No one can change this but YOU, us, We the People, from whom ALL political power and authority is derived.

Yes indeed, the Declaration of Independence guarantees the American Citizens the RIGHT to “alter or abolish” any government which has become tyrannical in nature and destructive of these ends…Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Yes, if the American people continue to attempt to go-along to get-along, keeping their mouths shut and their heads down, in a doomed attempt to avoid eventual conflict with tyrants, the final confrontation will be far worse than if they address it all now, while there remains peaceful options on the table.

Soon, one of these WARNINGS will be the last warning you will get. By then, your options will be last resort options only. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THEN!

Once you know that someone means you and your family harm, every second you wait, you lose options, your attackers gain strength. In my opinion, Americans have waited far too long already. If they wait much longer, they will be forced to defend themselves and loved ones on their own doorsteps.


A proposed 2024 GOP People’s Pledge designed to seize voter control of the GOP primaries away from DC banana republicans has been issued. Every conservative pro-America voter who plans on voting in the GOP primaries, regardless of past party affiliations, should read it, sign it, and send it to the RNC in DC and their State Republican Party, and adhere to it. This isn’t about the candidate, it’s about the voters refusing to be dictated by DC to any longer.

No, I do not expect current banana republicans to suddenly start representing the will of their voters. If I did, I wouldn’t be endorsing this action.

Instead, this is an action (promising what we won’t do) that the Party has no power to stop. It’s a LIVE boycott against everyone working to destroy Trump and us. They can run anyone they want against Trump, but only until they are all stripped of any donations and votes. That’s how we make sure to choose our own candidate, regardless of party leadership plans.

Democrats should create something similar to this, to take control over their party nominee for 2024, refusing to back Biden or Harris, or anyone else who has sold America down the drain while making millions in foreign money to do it, Hillary, Obama, and many others.

If you won’t do this, then you need to stop whining about “lesser evil” choices in the general elections.

Stay tuned for more… alone, there is nothing any of us can do. But together, united in action, there is nothing we cannot do.

The Democrat Party today.

The Democrat Party in the USA is traditionally a party that intentionally sits in opposition to the Republican Party, which represents a continuation of the ideologies that established the country in 1776.

US Democrat politicians are essentially trained to understand that the things they say are intended to create the conditions for national dialogue. They know that they are taking stances on many issues that are wrongheaded or ultimately anti-constitutional.

In many ways, due to this intentional contradictary approach to politics, the Democrat Party requires the backing of the US intelligence community.
The stance the Democrats take on issues is intended to produce a section of the national population that is incredibly misinformed on all manner of current affairs. It is a fake production of a theatrical and forced discourse.

The foundations of this approach to governance were drawn from the 1800s when the Democrat Party was founded and created. For all intents and purposes, this ideological approach to governance is somewhat of a relic today of a bygone age. The societies of the 19th century were drastically different than today— nuclear weapons were not present, people did not carry their own individual supercomputers around in their pockets, the internet did not exist, and international travel was much more limited. There were many other critical differences.

Today, the US Democrat Party, for whatever reason, has been empowered by foreign-born and foreign-based forces. The Party has deep connections to China, Iran, Ukraine, and several other foreign governments that do not have the USA’s well-being as a core interest. In fact, many countries want to use the USA for some purpose or another— to drain its wealth, to serve as a bad guy for fearmongering authoritarian leaders, to be a stand-in military police force. The Democrat Party is happy to sell and forfeit US sovereignty and its citizens’ wealth for their own benefit. They are ultimately individualist and will do anything for their own personal power and profit, including stealing from or killing.

The modern US Democrat Party frequently uses the phrase “good faith” to criticize people who do not treat them with a certain amount of respect. Yet, the Democrats have twisted the meaning of the English language to serve their purposes. They are not democrats (lowercase “d”) and do not support true democracy. They do not practice civility and have undermined civil society, they have also stripped civic education from public schools. In the past five years especially, the Democrat Party has become extremely tyrannical .

This Democrat Party is NOT one that should be followed or supported. The people in power in that party require removal by scalpel. They have become a disease on the USA, and mostly, their policies and existence as politicians pose a dangerous threat to the safety and well-being of US citizens. Their leadership has intentionally drained and squandered the wealth of US citizens, transferring it overseas to non-US citizens and to themselves and their families. They have also purposely flooded the country with extremely dangerous people .

The Democrat Party requires a hard reset.
Everything that its leaders say and do should be seen as the tantrums of a spoiled child, who needs to be sent to the bedroom for a timeout to reset and rest. There is no need to comply with a spoiled child. Or they can be likened to the death throes of a dying animal— their ideology is out-dated and wrongheaded. It is not something that people need to accept or agree with. In many ways, it comes from an ideological foundation that is intended to provide disagreeable ideas simply to generate discourse.

For a democratic society to function, such deliberate state-supported misinformation does not need to be created or spread. There are plenty of issues that are present on the planet today to consider in order to plan the direction of the US society, our society. There does not need to be a forced wrongheaded agenda violently shoved on the people. It is dishonest, immature, and uncivil.

Force the Democrat Party to reset. If the current leaders can’t do it themselves, the US citizens must assist. It is not a partisan issue. It is a matter of cultivating a healthy national political culture.
laugh office stanley laughing hysterically.gif
The below is a great example of the previous article I posted about the weaponization of our government and how Americans are now the targets NOT real terrorists .

EXCLUSIVE: Homeland Security awards $20 million in grants to police, mental health networks, universities, churches and school districts to help identify Americans as potential ‘extremists’.

Don't forget our government now views anybody that does not support this communist dictatorship as extremist's .
The sole purpose of the U.S. Constitution is stated in the preamble of the document itself.

  • to form a more perfect Union,
  • establish Justice,
  • insure domestic Tranquility,
  • provide for the common defense,
  • promote the general Welfare,
  • and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.
The current Democrat Party as a whole, and certainly the Biden and Obama administrations, have obliterated all six foundational purposes of the U.S. Constitution and violated all 10 additional protections of the People found in the Bill of Rights.

  • Obama democrats intentionally divided this country, and Biden continues.
  • At best, Obama and Biden have weaponized a two-tier justice system.
  • The DNC has backed BLM and ANTIFA responsible for terror in numerous cities.
  • Democrats have backed and expanded an open foreign invasion of the USA.
  • Democrats are responsible for unprecedented mass inflation, and job losses.
  • And worst of all, democrats have directly attacked individual Liberty for every American Citizen while misusing American tax dollars to invade our country, work with foreign powers against the USA, undermine the U.S. Dollar, national sovereignty and security, States Rights, Freedom, Peace, and engaged in foreign entanglements in Ukraine and elsewhere, causing a uniting of U.S. foreign enemies in China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.

When TREASON is No Longer a Crime​
With the exception of the COVID conspiracy rubbish - it was pretty on the mark.

Are US Armed Forces members capable of resisting the Communist takeover of the country? They show no signs of uniting in resistance. Officers in senior positions parrot the Party Line as if they believe the Communist doctrine.​

By Paul E. Vallely Thomas McInerney LTG USAF (Ret), Andrew P. O’Meara, Jr, Col., USA (Ret)

Where Does Loyalty Reside?​

Decline in combat readiness of American armed forces under the Biden Administration​

Where do the loyalties of the American people reside? Americans have struggled with national loyalties since the birth of the English colonies. In colonial times, the struggle was between nation-states. England, France, and Spain claimed territories that now form the USA. The loyalties of French, English, and Spanish nationals clashed, producing deadly conflicts along the frontiers of the English colonies in America.

Following the French and Indian War, the Paris Peace Treaty settled territorial disputes, recognizing English territorial claims in North America. After that, differences between the English colonies and the Mother Country gave rise to a new identity – Americans -- who challenged the English Monarchy. Militant nationalism on the part of the Americans generated the American Revolution that gave birth to the USA.

No sooner had Americans gotten over their clash with England over the issue of independence slavery emerged as a contentious issue that split the country between North and South. The Civil War was fought to bring an end to slavery or protect slavery. Depending on which side one took. Following the Civil War, conflicting loyalties over human rights and class conflict produced the KKK, segregation, and the Communist Party USA, generating still more conflicting loyalties that have resulted in generations of protests, riots, and rebellions.

What of our contemporary society? Do conflicting loyalties continue to tear the nation apart? If so, do they threaten the Republic? To answer that question, we must look closely at existing loyalties and the changes conflicting loyalties have brought about.

Before the American Revolution, we, the people, reckoned the conditions colonists endured as English subjects of King George III were too unjust, disruptive, and annoying to tolerate any longer. Taxation without representation, quartering troops in private homes and public houses, refusal of the King to approve legislation passed by colonial assemblies, costly royalties that paid the Crown for imported goods, and rude Red Coats quartered in America’s communities; it was all too much to bear.

Revolution was the only answer Americans recognized to the tyranny and oppression of the English Crown

Revolution was the only answer Americans recognized to the tyranny and oppression of the English Crown. After decades of strife, the people had had enough. They demanded ties with England be severed. The Declaration of Independence announced the intentions of the American people to sever their ties with the English Crown. The response of King George III was to dispatch an Army to the colonies to put down the rebellion, which aggravated the prevailing oppression and discontent.

Red Coats occupied important population centers to quell rebellion. The colonial population split between those loyal to the Crown and those opposed to their subjugation as subjects of the English King. When the time came to fight, divided loyalties led to a revolution accompanied by internal strife between loyal supporters of the Crown – Tories – and rebels demanding independence – the American revolutionaries.

The split loyalties were incorrigible, separating families, homes, and the countryside. Neither side was prepared to compromise. The Tories fought alongside the Red Coats. American Revolutionaries fought to destroy the British Red Coats and their Tory allies. The English defeat at Yorktown, Virginia, sealed the English fate, ending the American Revolution. The English departed, leaving their Tory allies behind. The abandoned Tories were violently dispatched or fled the country. It was ugly. It was brutal, but English tyranny was ended.

Unfortunately, the clash of loyalties continued following the Paris Peace Treaty of 1793. With independence came ownership of three million destitute black African slaves cut off from their native cultures and largely unassimilated into Western Civilization. The Declaration of Independence proclaimed they were fully equal. Nonetheless, plantation owners and the laws of the Land said the slaves were the property of their masters.

Europeans who had already outlawed slavery, looked down upon Americans who retained slavery while professing all men are created equal. Citizens were shamed by the stigma attached to slavery that tarnished American reputations by virtue of plantation slavery that flourished in the south.

The country was deeply divided over the issue. The northern states were determined that all men were created equal, as penned in the Declaration of Independence. They were determined to abolish slavery. Tempers on both sides were inflamed.

In the decades following the War, the principal test of loyalty was between those who espoused free market economies and Collectivists

In the South, the people were adamantly opposed to abolition. The Southerners had inherited plantation slavery from their English ancestors. Southern agriculture was dependent on slave labor. Southerners lived well, if not lavishly. They were determined to preserve their prosperity and property – black African slaves. They had no intention of liberating the slaves upon whom the labor burden fell.

Abraham Lincoln ran for president in 1860 on a platform calling for the abolition of slavery. By the time of Abraham Lincoln’s inauguration, a compromise was no longer possible. As the fighting commenced, conflicting loyalties tore the country apart. The entire country split to take sides.

The officer corps split in two. Officers born and raised in the South headed home to join the Confederacy. Officers loyal to the Union remained at their posts and retained their commissions in the Army and Navy. There were exceptions of Southern-born officers, who remained loyal to the Union but were small.

Following the Civil War, the split loyalties took years to heal. Confederate veterans and their families remained fiercely loyal to their lost cause, despite loyalty oaths that allowed Confederate states to return to the Union. Vestiges of the Confederate hatred of Yankees remain to this day.

In the first century, the country experienced two massive conflicts to heal fractured loyalties. Following the Civil War, the government took measures to cultivate patriotism. Loyalty oaths were obligatory for public servants. Schools emphasized national heritage. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited daily. The training of cadets and midshipmen made abundantly clear their loyalties belonged to the USA.

In the decades following the War, the principal test of loyalty was between those who espoused free market economies and Collectivists. French philosophers who called themselves Jacobins produced the Enlightenment movement that advocated revolutionary change. They preached that the wealth of society should be redistributed. Wealth must be taken from those who have and given to those who have not.

They demanded that French society be liberated from French culture, the Church, the Monarchy, and the nobility. Their movement led to the French Revolution. Their goals consisted of liberty, fraternity, and equality, which the Jacobins interpreted as the newly installed dictators of France.

While the French Enlightenment originated in the academic community, the revolutionary forces initially consisted of angry street mobs. French soldiers who refused to fire upon the mobs allowed the Jacobins to capture the Bourbon royal family. The mob elevated radicals to dictators, who purged those deemed unworthy of survival – kings, priests, and nobles – who were sent to the guillotine.



Originating in France, the Jacobins had spread Enlightenment doctrine through the academic community.​

Originating in France, the Jacobins had spread Enlightenment doctrine through the academic community. They were joined by Kark Marx, who called for the world's workers to revolt and seize power through revolution. Marx expected the revolution to commence in Germany before spreading worldwide. Instead, it began in backward Tsarist Russia before applying to the Third World in peasant revolutions.

Socialist doctrine was made complete by the teachings of Karl Marx, who preached that property ownership was the sole right of the proletariat or working class. The dictatorship of the proletariat controlled all property in the name of the workers. Central planners, commissars, and factory managers directed the economy by controlling production, distribution, consumption, occupations, wages, education, factory workers, and agricultural communes. It was a massive undertaking that was designated a totalitarian dictatorship.

Expected to be worldwide, the communist revolution fell flat in liberal democracies like Great Britain and the United States, where the standard of living resulted in the rejection of processes by well-paid workers. Revolution made no sense when the workers had little to gain and much to lose through violent protests, riots, and revolutions. The worker’s cause was the cause of middle-class Americans who were faithful to God, the American heritage, family values, the Flag, and the Constitution.

When the Communists failed to enlist American workers, their doctrine was briefly defeated. Considering their defeat at the hands of workers of liberal democracies, the Marxists resolved to bring down democratic governments by working through the disenfranchised, including Bohemians and the sexually repressed. They taught that the privileged individuals of society were to become disenfranchised. They were to be replaced by those who hadn’t enjoyed the privileges of society. They called it the critical theory spread by the Frankfurt School in Germany in the years between the two World Wars.

Critical theory became the battleground of the Far Left. They have employed critical theory to wage class warfare in America through the Feminist Revolution (NOW), the sexual revolution, the queer and gay revolution, and the black revolution now being propagated in the form of Critical Race Theory.

Turning to the opposition confronting the Communist Party USA, the success enjoyed by President Trump represents the greatest threat to the Communist Revolution in America. Donald J. Trump recognized that the GOP, the Democrats, and the Radical Left had abandoned middle-class Americans. Trump rallied everyday Americans to take back the country from the politicians who had abandoned them. His challenge was to rebuild America or to Make America Great Again.

The communist response to Donald J. Trump has been a scorched-earth approach. There were to be no more tomorrows for the Communist Revolutionaries

The communist response to Donald J. Trump has been a scorched-earth approach. There were to be no more tomorrows for the Communist Revolutionaries. They are determined to seize power now or burn down the country around them. They have captured the administrative state, which we call the deep state to control and defeat the free market economy. They attack family values through the Trans Gender movement that seeks to use American children to break down faith and family values.

They have stolen the 2020 election to capture the Executive Branch of government to marshal the law enforcement agencies of the Federal government as a weapon to destroy the GOP. Meanwhile, they wage war in the Ukraine to conceal the evidence of massive corruption by the Biden family and the Democratic Party. Moreover, they have used the war in Ukraine to exhaust the arsenal of logistical support of US national security apparatus. (It is a form of unilateral disarmament similar to that employed by Obama to bring down America.) The Communists and Socialists have used their strength in the academic community to wage war through the liberal media and entertainment industry to control public opinion.

Thus, we have a United Front of the Left against the American Constitutional Republic attacking multiple layers of loyalty to bring down the US government and the USA.

  • The Deep State attacks the fossil fuel industry to cripple the free market.
  • Trans Gender movement attacks family values.
  • Invasion of illegal aliens subverts the electoral system to steal elections.
  • War in Ukraine employed to conceal Democrat money laundering, bribes, and corruption.
  • Elections stolen to weaponize federal law enforcement agencies of criminal justice system to destroy the GOP.
  • Consuming logistical stocks in wasteful spending on war in Ukraine to unilaterally disarm US armed forces.
  • Creating a united front of intellectuals, the media, and entertainment industry to control public opinion.
  • Control of education to indoctrinate future generations with socialist doctrine.
  • Funding of Antifa to wage the class struggle using riots, protests, and insurrections.
  • Funding radical attorneys to create urban chaos by ending the prosecution of criminals.
  • Defunding the police to disarm law enforcement agencies.
The combination of United Front attacks is intended to bring down liberal democracies despite a lack of support for the revolution from the middle class, GOP rank and file, and blue-collar workers.

Counterattacks by defenders of the Constitution against Marxist revolutionaries are dependent upon state responses that are uncoordinated and inadequately funded. At present, the outlook for internal resistance doesn’t look good.

Are US Armed Forces members capable of resisting the Communist takeover of the country? They show no signs of uniting in resistance. Officers in senior positions parrot the Party Line as if they believe the Communist doctrine that educated men and women should be able to recognize is utterly false.


The Navy will start randomly testing SEALs and special warfare troops for steroids​

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Navy will begin randomly testing its special operations forces for steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs beginning in November, taking a groundbreaking step that military leaders have long resisted.

Rear Adm. Keith Davids, commander of Naval Special Warfare Command, announced the new program Friday in a message to his force, calling it necessary to protect their health and military readiness. The Navy will be the first to begin random testing, but Army Special Operations Command said it will soon follow suit, although no start date has been set."

Why do you guys stay here if you hate America so much? Cost of living is really cheap in Turkey I hear.
By Martin Farrell — Friday, September 29th, 2023

I'm disgusted and repelled by the level of scandal, duplicity, and unbridled hatred that energizes our national government.

Politics has always been a dirty business, with power and control the brass ring. But today, contending with the Democratic Party, decency and honor are strangers. It's a deadly all-or-nothing, zero-sum game, where human lives and reputations are cheap.

The best example is our judicial system. Hamilton thought the judicial branch was “least dangerous” branch of the new national government. He would be scandalized to view the Republic's system today. Instead of honoring constitutional text, reserving "all powers not delegated to the Federal Government to the people or the States" the nine justices of our Supreme Court have, during the past 60 years, overreached to make sweeping changes in the law inconsistent with those Constitutionally enumerated powers.

Even my much-admired Justice Gorsuch has been duped: "...thanks to the fallout from Justice Neil Gorsuch’s toxic Civil Rights Act decision, it’s [Daughters of American Revolution are] effectively being forced to admit fake women [transgender] to its ranks."

Foundational traditions are being overturned. The scandalous failure of our judicial system today is a function of the anti Judeo-Christian characters who populate it. "Depraved" would not be an exaggeration, too many officers of the court lack both intellectual and judicial integrity. I'm NOT an attorney but I have always had a strong love of the law - until it cheated on me.

The Progressive Obama-Biden judicial system is a frighteningly true shadow of The Court of Star Chamber "which could impose punishment for actions which were deemed to be morally reprehensible but were not in violation of the letter of the law. This gave the Star Chamber great flexibility, as it could punish defendants for any action which the court felt should be unlawful, even when in fact it was technically lawful.

However, this meant that the justice meted out by the Star Chamber could be very arbitrary and subjective, and it enabled the court to be used later on in its history as an instrument of oppression rather than for the purpose of justice for which it was intended." It was abolished by the Long Parliament in 1641.

We should note today's system is able to persecute Trump because it can, for any reason "which the court felt should be unlawful." Let's closely examine the menagerie of aggressive Democrat judicial minions:

"My Cousin Vinney" made me laugh, but our new Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson (who couldn't define "a woman") made me angry. Surely she knows about the X-Y chromosomes, but secretly favors a "fluid gender" philosophy; Jack Smith, pursuing Trump, a thug in his element; New York Attorney General Letitia James, Democrat seeking notoriety; Judge Tanya Chutkanm (works with Jack Smith to gag Trump); Judge Juan Manuel Merchan ( Democrat donor with daughter a Party consultant).

Ethical obligations of "the profession" have become mere partisan pretentions, camouflage for public consumption. The "crimes" attributed to Trump would never be charged to a Democrat - they are customized to attack Trump and company.

Then of course we have that bevy of tyrannical Star Chamberlains at the Justice Department, headed by that devious little man, Merrick Garland, Attorney General with his 115,000 soldiers. I get a chill thinking that he could have been appointed a justice of our Supreme Court.

I remember Associate Justice Abe Fortas resigning from the Supreme Court in 1969. This was the first resignation, first by a justice for financial crimes in United States history. He was a prominent Democrat. "He acknowledged that the payment [$20,000] was the first of a planned lifetime fee arrangement that would pass to his wife, tax attorney Carolyn Agger, after his death." Joe Biden understands, and Sen. Bob Menendez, and Congressman George Santos, and Sam Brinton, and Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama, and, etc.

The political assassination of Trump, by judicial criminals, Deep State, media, and Democratic Party, taunts the moral death knell of the Republic. I would classify this cancer as the wholesale abandonment of our Judeo-Christian traditions, and replacement with Marxism-Communism. These enemies of our once Christian state hate religion, like their friends in Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran, and they control our schools (law schools) today.

Judeo-Christian believers must act to save Donald Trump - lawfully, of course. He represents the future of Equal Justice for All Americans.