Active member
hey guys, it's become clear to me that I likely need another amp to cover the sounds I'm after, as long as I have one amp with 6L6s for cleans and one with EL34s (or similar) for distortion...what are your takes on the following combinations?
Diezel VH4 w/6L6s + Marshall 2203x
Diezel VH4 w/6L6s + Orange Tiny Terror
Diezel VH4 w/EL34s + Fender Twin Reverb (blackface, non re-issue)
Diezel Einstein w/EL34s + Fender Twin Reverb (blackface, non re-issue- this combination I could trade for without really spending much)
Fender Twin Reverb (blackface, non re-issue) + Bogner Uberschall (found some great deals in a couple of places, but this option is least likely due to the deals being gone shortly)
I wish I could just buy a Bogner XTC Classic to add to the VH4, but that's out of my price range (preferably less than $1500).
I know a guy who mods old silverface Fenders back to '60s blackface specs for the price of a twin re-issue, if you're wondering how that target is still possible
Diezel VH4 w/6L6s + Marshall 2203x
Diezel VH4 w/6L6s + Orange Tiny Terror
Diezel VH4 w/EL34s + Fender Twin Reverb (blackface, non re-issue)
Diezel Einstein w/EL34s + Fender Twin Reverb (blackface, non re-issue- this combination I could trade for without really spending much)
Fender Twin Reverb (blackface, non re-issue) + Bogner Uberschall (found some great deals in a couple of places, but this option is least likely due to the deals being gone shortly)
I wish I could just buy a Bogner XTC Classic to add to the VH4, but that's out of my price range (preferably less than $1500).
I know a guy who mods old silverface Fenders back to '60s blackface specs for the price of a twin re-issue, if you're wondering how that target is still possible