The winner of the V2 Vibe is announced on my blog page (link below). Thanks to all who expressed interest! I wish I could have given a free amp to everyone! Fuck cancer!
The winner of the V2 Vibe is announced on my blog page (link below). Thanks to all who expressed interest! I wish I could have given a free amp to everyone! Fuck cancer!
I am REALLY procrastinating now. I should package up the Vibe and send it off to the lotto winner. But it's snowing out, so I doubt I'll make it to the post office for at least another 4 or 5 days
I reconfigured a rear-panel fat switch that helps to fine-tune the tone of the normal input. So I really ought to test it out for a few days. Gotta re-do the burn in.
Here's the amp with V2 badge. More photos to follow.
The lotto amp found its way to its new owner, who sent me his very first test clip. Here it is, along with an updated photo of the complete amp. Signal chain: Les Paul -> Vibe -> 1x12 cab with vintage 30. Reverb and flanger in loop.
My first name is Donald. When I saw you announce the winner it just showed Donald until I scrolled down. I was super happy for a second. That's a damn nice amp as are the other ones I've seen from you.
My first name is Donald. When I saw you announce the winner it just showed Donald until I scrolled down. I was super happy for a second. That's a damn nice amp as are the other ones I've seen from you.