Gate keepers.
Everyone blaming "inflation" for the priced of USED AMPS is on dillusional crack.
The new production claims higher costs for materials blah blah. But meanwhile, the amps that were made and sold, before any of that... had no part in ANY of that, and the owners act like it's part of the inflation. "Oh were pricing used gear twice what it used to be, because inflation" ... ???
This is the logic keeping these absolutely asinine prices alive. And that just feeds the cork sniffers who claim something is "rare" they have an extra level of bullshit to pile another $2000 on top their imaginary unicorn because its "so expensive it's now become rare for no reason".
This all goes back to the gear comminuty. Just like every other community there's capitalists. Like the guitar John guy, he doesn't give a fuck about amps. You can't give a fuck about amps when you got 50 amps... it's absolutely for capitalizing on the YouTube money wagon if you got enough amps in the room behind you. Then you use that to sell IR packs etc etc.
People see it, wanna be like that, wanna sound like this or that, suddenly the influencing shows it's true colors. And now you can't actually enjoy trying out things like you used to. (Not everyone struggled, most did, recognize this).
It's turning into a pyramid scheme.... and the used gear market is the foundation for what is happening. When people just stop with this hype bullshit and throwing around the word inflation for why they selling a $1200 amp for $2100.
But somehow, there's people with enough money to keep perpetuating these prices. Prices won't lower if assholes with too much money and not enough talent keep buying it up. Then everytime an old amp is about to fly under the radar you got a dipshit with a youtube hyping it back up for the rest of the amateurs.
This is the worst time for gear.
Some say it's best.
To me it's the worst possible case scenario.
And it all goes back to the people having the gear. It's literally all y'alls fault for participating. ?