The Splawns, hands down.^ what's the favourite in that lot mate?
From what I remember from the 101b I borrowed a few times over the years, the 3534 doesn't have the "sag" the 101b has. That's the biggest difference IMO. The old/new switch would be a nice addition to the 3534 - but at that price point, it's a very stripped down Ecstasy (in a good way) to the point where it's a grab and go version of it. More modern sounding. I've read some dudes more versed with Bogners say it's closer to the 20th XTC. With a 101b I dialed in a pretty nice early EVH style tone running through my pair of Blackbacks, but the 3534 isn't quite as capable.I'm pretty familiar with Bogner's stuff and had a 101B for about 6 months recently.
Where are they most different in your opinion?
I've read some dudes more versed with Bogners say it's closer to the 20th XTC.
Sell me one