In the proverbial quest for tone I am 90% there. Dumped all of my modeling gear and back to tube amps. Using 5150 III 50w Stealth and (currently) Fractal FX8. The amp is Midi compatible so channel switching and effects set up (after a lot of cussing) is now a breeze. But…. I can’t help but think there’s still a little bit of tone suck in there and seriously considering going back to traditional pedals. I can only describe as it just feels and sounds better and less, well, digital. I use the basics (chorus, delay, gate, boost, EQ, phase 90 and verb) To alleviate tap dancing what pedalboard is recommended as I want to step on one button and five things change it once including midi capability channel switching for the amp to coincide with which pedals are engaged. Thinking about the voodoo labs PX8? Recommendations? Thanks