Both him ad Shawn Tubbs tall to me all the time on YouTube ? Both incredible guitarists!He is one of the most incredible guitarists around and the most versatile! I miss him on this forum he used to be on here a lot and he helped me out a long time ago I've posted this before but he's a great guy.
I love how he coaxes the controlled harmonic feedback while holding notes just letting it swell.......for me that is the sign and sound of a great amp.The SL68 and SL67 sound phenomenal to my ears.
Ding, Ding, Ding.............................I thought it sounded familiar...........................Just beautiful. The main melody sounds like Chris Issac’s Wicked Game
https://www.humbuckermusic.com/coll...and-wired-100-watt-head-4x12-cab-black-grilleFunny how there’s lot’s of Suhr products in the room, yet just about everything is out of stock.
I got the SL67 MKII. Humbucker never has the Greenback loaded 4x12 in stock.
Marshallmel and I saw him at N'stuff in Pittsburgh in April . It's an old school plexi setup with everything run in front of a clean amp. Doesn't hurt he's a great player. I bought the amp he used after the show and had him and Reb Beach sign it. LOL!The Suhr SL67 is killer. I own the amp.
He says he’s running the amp clean and using pedals. This is what I do as well and a valid way to get great tones from a Plexi- style amp.
I got his Wampler Gear Box. Killer pedal.Marshallmel and I saw him at N'stuff in Pittsburgh in April . It's an old school plexi setup with everything run in front of a clean amp. Doesn't hurt he's a great player. I bought the amp he used after the show and had him and Reb Beach sign it. LOL!