Bostaph isn’t that bad, why do you “dislike?” Is it just how he drums in Slayer?
I don’t want to be flamed, but he isn’t Lombardo. Just listen to Christ Illusion or Hate Worldwide and then Slayer after that. Or even earlier. That said, Divine Intervention is badass. Slayer is my favourite band.Bostaph isn’t that bad, why do you “dislike?” Is it just how he drums in Slayer?
I don’t disagree. But, I also know Lombardo ain’t coming back LOL.I don’t want to be flamed, but he isn’t Lombardo. Just listen to Christ Illusion or Hate Worldwide and then Slayer after that. Or even earlier. That said, Divine Intervention is badass. Slayer is my favourite band.
I saw them on their "final" tour as well. Tom's voice was shakey then, so he's either going to be good after the rest, OR be awful.Metallica still kicks Ass in concert. Motley Crue sucks ass. Slipknot was great a few years back. I saw Slayers last round, and they were BADASS, I have no reason to believe they won't kick more ass this time! RHCP ehhh.. Im Hoping Slayer will add more shows, I dont wanna travel to the Chicago shithole or Kentucky for that matter.
I saw Slayer twice with Bostaph. He is a beast.I saw this lineup on their “final” tour and they fucking KILLED it. Bostaph is a beast!
I also saw Lombardo play with the Misfits twice and that was also amazing.
Bostaph IS a beast and I don’t have any real issues with him in the studio, but live is where the biggest differences between him and Lombardo come into play. Just a different feel and Lombardo’s is just what I associate with Slayer.
It’s like the Mangini/Portnoy thing, Mangini is obviously a beast and is a few notches above Portnoy on a technical level, but Portnoy is the only drummer I ever want to hear in Dream Theater.
I get what you're saying. While I'm probably biased cause I started a Melodic Heavy Metal band myself, I do think a lot of the bands in the so-called "NWOTHM" deserve more exposure than they get. While Enforcer are definitely not even a new band at this point (for context I'm 21, and they've been around for about as long as I've been alive) I think they should really be playing festivals over some of the older bands who are so past their prime it's not even funny. (For example, certain bands that rely on backing tracks and/or have singers who can't sing the material anymore.)sad state of affairs. i've got nothing against slayer, but this further proves that state of things.
None of these newer bands are either capable of, or are being gate kept from headlining these big american rock/metal fests.
you've got Metallica, Slipknot, RHCP (who are a fucking joke..,i'm a white dude but they're some straight up Cracker shit lol), who else? maybe Mastadon? Lamb of God? The rest are these reunited nostalgia acts like Kiss, Motley Crue, or whoever else. Just seems like the selection of like top tier bands is getting smaller and smaller.