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I say let's show a round of applause for our new Neo-2014 comrade/allied people now out of their little closets at HQs where they're getting pumped-up with their daily affirmations. It will justify and satisfy their craving frenzy for aggravated criminal civil disobedience.

Today in CHAZ (AKA Soyattle; Soymalia):

Antifa #CHAZ Thugs Attack, Choke and Sexually Assault Street Preacher in Seattle (Video) ... syndicated

Meanwhile, their garden is looking just great...

Axstar713":23uw65g1 said:
Today in CHAZ (AKA Soyattle; Soymalia):

Antifa #CHAZ Thugs Attack, Choke and Sexually Assault Street Preacher in Seattle (Video) ... syndicated

Meanwhile, their garden is looking just great...

:lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
They really seem to think they are gonna keep that spot don't they?
Poor little angry children.. Lashing out at every soft target they can find, trying so hard to like like they are badasses and tucking their tails like little pussies when they come up on actual hard targets who mean to make them suffer terribly at their first bad decision.
Are there not any people with balls and application skills in Seattle?
That shit would not fly where I live, they would be allowed to peacefully protest here as that is certainly their right, but we would have big hairy men with balls and full kit standing there smiling at them the whole time in full porcupine mode.. Not shouting, not really doing or saying anything at all until they decided to burn a local business, and then they would learn about real life and reality the hard way. Ive seen some of them walking around with cookie cutter ARs and AKs, trying to look like they really do mean business, but they seem to think that plastic barriers make great cover and would actually stop bullets :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
A dozen well trained guys and 1 with a home made flamethrower would end their shit in 30 minutes or less..
I'm 48. 30 years ago (hell 10) if you would have told me our country would be in this state-I would have said your a fucking idiot. How a marxist minority is running this country now is shocking. Fucking clownworld.....
Once the anarchists have torn down the system that they despise (which ironically gives them the very platform from which they have a voice), they will be tearing each other from limb to limb. These people have no self. No self esteem, no self control. Yeah, they dont want masters above them but they sure wouldn't mind having slaves below them.

Who is China? Who is Russia? Apparently world war is no longer a threat, but now the threat is civil war.
Metalhex":3v1jawgn said:
Once the anarchists have torn down the system that they despise (which ironically gives them the very platform from which they have a voice), they will be tearing each other from limb to limb. These people have no self. No self esteem, no self control. Yeah, they dont want masters above them but they sure wouldn't mind having slaves below them.

Who is China? Who is Russia? Apparently world war is no longer a threat, but now the threat is civil war.

you are correct. and it is so obvious who would win. :doh:
JackBootedThug":vzzavs04 said:
I'm 48. 30 years ago (hell 10) if you would have told me our country would be in this state-I would have said your a fucking idiot. How a marxist minority is running this country now is shocking. Fucking clownworld.....
Age before beauty here my friend. :)

And what is "Institutional" racism(s)? I spent 8 years busting profs balls at a "Research Institutions" to earn a document in something at 3 "Research Institutions" over that time period. I guess that makes me a "Research Institutional" racist racisterer - Yah?

So what! America ended colonial slavery, but now we need to be tortured by racism - forever in purgatory? How long do we have to pay for the sins of our Fathers? With the outrageous chaotic violence that is at our doorstep. This is not good brothers. I once heard a very wise black professor of economics say. "We are not made OF history. We are made FROM it". So leave our history and our statues alone. Then once you calm down, stop drinking the pink juice and be-right ese. We can talk about building some new statues that may be of satisfaction for your NEO shit!!! I'll saddle-waggle for a while on some Diezel...
Exactly. And lets just forget the fact that the slaves werent exactly kidnapped into slavery; they were SOLD inti slavery by their own people. Matter of fact.....its still happening right now in those countries.
my youngest son is adopted. we have had him since he was 12 hours old. yesterday he was coming up the street with a donald trump skully saying keep america great on a skateboard. I said nice hat. he said I got you one too. He's biracial. it's not a matter of black lives matter, all lives matter, blue lives's an issue of saved vs. unsaved. the greatest compliment that you could give me is steve-you are raising a fine christian man. what do all the fucked up places on planet earth have in common? no Jesus. If your a non believer that's fine, not trying to target you. Just an observation on my behalf of what is fucked up in this day and age. I'm also drunk on tito's vodka so please bear with me yall.
And then I hope in an axiomatic sense that we, you or I are "imperfect" and that we live in a "imperfect" country. Thus, we are the greatest nation, greatest country greatest EVERYTHING good that mankind can offer that is liberty on God's Green Earth and don't throw a rock at a cop and don't resist arrest if you wanna have a good day. :)
Now they are training each other to poke eyes out and make it look like its the other persons fault :lol: :LOL:
Then they put it up so the entire planet can see it...
Now this will be just the tactical training the little girls need to win the war against the system :lol: :LOL:
They really do live in an alternate reality
You just can't make this shit up
I hope this ends well, I hate to see a bunch of young people killed due to their own ignorance... At some point they will realize their college prof's and the race baiters are really just using them for a purpose, and almost none of the people pulling the strings are willing to get out and do the heavy lifting themselves
JackBootedThug":3lzu5uga said:
my youngest son is adopted. we have had him since he was 12 hours old. yesterday he was coming up the street with a donald trump skully saying keep america great on a skateboard. I said nice hat. he said I got you one too. He's biracial. it's not a matter of black lives matter, all lives matter, blue lives's an issue of saved vs. unsaved. the greatest compliment that you could give me is steve-you are raising a fine christian man. what do all the fucked up places on planet earth have in common? no Jesus. If your a non believer that's fine, not trying to target you. Just an observation on my behalf of what is fucked up in this day and age. I'm also drunk on tito's vodka so please bear with me yall.
Agreed ;)
WOW!!! Now I'm hearing some crap ... No WTF way are the little ants touching DOH! The little ants touch DOH and they'll get a good dose of some Giga.Blast brandishing custom Ivory grip style on Nickle Pearling.


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Time-Out... :scared:

The 1st 5m are the meat of the matter.

Multiculturalism = Assimilation = Destruction of culture = Communism.