any love for the Boss TU-2 tuner


Well-known member
I know it's technically rather inaccurate vs modern pedal tuners.

But it just feels like home to me, plus the amount of pros who have used them over the years..

I've cycled through many pedal tuners and now feel like going back to what I know and love.

Any one else still rocking these?
no, I want something fancier!

fwiw, all my plugins, modelers, and even some pedals have tuners now. I've actually been using a cheap clip-on tuner and it works great, no need for a dedicated pedal
I like the boss waza tuner. I don’t use clip on tuners on stage and prefer a pedal. I hate people that keep tuners clipped onto their headstocks all of the time even on stage. Also some of the vintage headstocks I have are sensitive to clearcoat denting from clip on tuners.
waza tuner users:


I like the boss waza tuner. I don’t use clip on tuners on stage and prefer a pedal. I hate people that keep tuners clipped onto their headstocks all of the time even on stage. Also some of the vintage headstocks I have are sensitive to clearcoat denting from clip on tuners.

The constant-on-the-headstock thing is new to me, but apparently it's pretty common in the classical world. Every performance I've been to recently - all of the players have had clip on tuners on the headstock. They're all low-profile so you don't really see them, but if you know they're there, you see em.
If I'm watching a live band though, I just assume they have a pedal or a tech.
I hate people that keep tuners clipped onto their headstocks all of the time even on stage. Also some of the vintage headstocks I have are sensitive to clearcoat denting from clip on tuners.
I know I guy who keeps a tuner and a capo on his Martin headstock. Stores it that way too.
It seems like anybody using an Epiphone LesPaul uses a clip-on tuner to cover the name. I also enjoy how those same guys always crop the headstock out of photos.
I still have one its got to be 20 years old. I like it better than the Polytune mini I got not that long ago for another board. And while I'm not opposed to hot swapping guitars I still like having a mute button on my pedalboard.

I switched to the Korg Pitchblack when it came out. I prefer all true bypass pedals with a dedicated buffer for more control. I get the appeal though.
I do use a strobe to set intonation. But once I know intonation is dialed in and the strings are fresh, I find the Boss TU stomp tuners are totally fine on the board - bullet proof and the display is easy to see.
Well its probably the highest selling pedal of all time...
Yep kinda the standard for years.

I don't use mine anymore, use the Peterson and the Boss TU3 Waza but mine served me well for untold number of gigs, rehearsals, recording etc...