I've been hobby building guitars for a couple of decades now. I done at least a couple dozen over the years. A Vee is a good shape to start with. Mostly straight lines and not a lot of contours to worry about. I can give you a crap ton of tips that I've learned over the years. The 2 biggest things pay attention to and get right is routing the neck pocket and bridge placement/alignment.
You can make your own templates out of 1/2" ply, much more economical than buying one. You also don't need a bunch of fancy tools to build the body. You can do everything with basic hand tools, chisels, and elbow grease if you really wanted to. Having a router, jigsaw and orbital sander will make it less laborious. There are a couple of specialized tools you would need if you want to build the neck. For the first go I'd suggest buying a premade neck though.
As far as painting and/or finishing you don't need fancy spray equipment. You can get a good look with rattle cans if you do paint and lacquer. If you're leaving it a natural finish, you have a lot of options; lacquer, shellac, polyurethane, etc. You can brush those on and buff to the desired shine really easy.
The GunsandGuitars dude on youtube has some really good videos for people just starting out. I thinks he's gone to CNC and/or laser cutting now, but most of his earlier videos are with basic tools any buying a neck, pretty much where you'd want to start.
PM me and I'll give you a bunch of tips and direct you to a couple of things that helped me when I first started hobby building.
Just as a quick show...
The first pic is one I built from scratch last year. Body is purple heard with douglas fir top stained purple to to match.
The second pic is the one I'm currently working on. It's yellow heart. I plan to make this one into an 30" scale Iceman Bass VI.