Anybody else have any transgender kids?

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Well, the suicide thing was a cry for help, rather than an attempt to leave the planet. After that, we discovered there was an issue with the way my kid felt about himself.

As far as the responses on here......I pose the question. What would you do, if your body was one gender and you felt a different gender in your mind? Besides all the brainwashing in society and school, what would you personally do? I asked my kid this question and he burst into tears. This is how he feels. He's not one to be easily swayed by propaganda either. He knows how the world is and for the most part is capable of critical thinking and it light years more advanced than most kids his age, spiritually as well as intellect.

This is how my kid explained it to me. I don't know how that feels. I'm the last person on the planet to push the transgender initiative. I can't stand it. I think mostly it's just people that don't have enough to do. I don't care if someone grows a dick or saws off their tits. Just leave me out of it. It's not even interesting enough for me to thing about.

But you have these people with ZERO hobbies, ZERO skills, and ZERO life, that want nothing more than to push a cause. Because they have NOTHING else to do in life.

I'm the last person on the planet to expect this sort of thing to happen to me. I don't want to get into how harsh I've been in the past regarding gays and drag queens and all the rest of it. But now I'm forced to have to deal with it. I don't know what its like to be in my kids head. Most of the people on here posting harsh comments, don't understand the situation when it's inside your home. I'm dealing with a delicate situation here and I'm trying to tread lightly and be supportive and gather all the info I can to make the best decision in the interest of my kid.

But I'm dealing with a system that definitely has an agenda, and that agenda does not have the best interest in my kid personally.
you can only do what you think is right as the father and parent. I'm a firm believer in a wake up or else moment. It worked for me but might not work for someone else.
The gender industry is worth over a half a trillion dollars. This is about money. DM me for the info.
Oh I already assumed that. It's not about the well being of kids, it's about CASH.

311splawndude, he has both a therapist and a psychiatrist.
you can only do what you think is right as the father and parent. I'm a firm believer in a wake up or else moment. It worked for me but might not work for someone else.
I would like to send him to a teen boot/work camp in Colorado for the Summer, but I got voted down by wife and family. Hard work and sweat fixes a lot of things, but I'm outnumbered and everyone thinks my thinking is flawed.
everyone has to be on the same page or it's not going to sort itself out. It's pretty much a fact that these alternative lifestyles have massive amounts of mental problems throughout their lives. I wish I could tell you what to do but at the end of the day your kid is gonna do what your kid wants to do. sorry brother. It's a complex issue. I'd give it to God. Ca sera sera...
I pose the question. What would you do, if your body was one gender and you felt a different gender in your mind? Besides all the brainwashing in society and school, what would you personally do?

Without going too far into my personal life here I’ll say that in my late teens/early 20’s I struggled with some mental health issues. So answering this question is coming from my own experiences, how I eventually worked through it all, and truly trying to put myself into your kid’s shoes.

I would work really hard at becoming fully comfortable with who I am regardless of how I looked or what’s between my legs. Though it would be difficult I’d work towards a true deep understanding that no part of my body defines who I am. I’d try to realize that the gender dysphoria I’m feeling is a symptom of a deeper root cause. No matter how hard it would be I’d force myself to not give in to anything that would be a quick fix; in this case hormone therapy/gender reassignment. I would also try to recognize that this is something I couldn’t handle alone and would need help navigating the waters. I would seek out a counselor or psychologist (not psychiatrist) that is unbiased and would help me along the journey of finding myself. I don’t want them to give me what they think is the answer or let me take the easy way out. I want them to be more of a sounding board and help me face any harsh truths. From my family and friends the things I would ask of them is to be understanding and supportive as I work through things. I'd want to get to the point that the only thing that defines me as a person is the confidence I have in myself. The end goal as I’ve said is to become fully comfortable and confident of who I am with no modifications needed.
eventually people have to make up their own minds. I went through some heavy shit as a kid that fucked me up for a few years. Hell-I'm still somewhat dealing with it today. Eventually...and I do mean eventually...I had to make up my own mind to man the fuck up and pull myself up by the bootstraps and move on. These young people have not lived long enough to understand life to an extent. Their peer groups and school, or things they are into are all they know and understand. Best thing you can do for your kids is no smartphones or social media. It's predatory cancer that is destroying their minds. But-like I said...they need to make up their own mind. Until then your kinda pissing in the wind. My literal aha moment was when my high school principal pulled me in the office and spoke to me. He basically asked me when I was going to man the fuck up...something clicked when he did that. Of course I was pissed. I mean enraged. It was like a flick of a switch for me. Still do not understand it but that moment changed the trajectory of my life.
Go ahead and post that stat. Gimme numbers from somewhere.

You won't.

Suicide rate and suicidal tendencies among transgender persons are considerably high compared to general population. Hence, this review is an attempt to understand the issues around the suicide and suicidal behavior among transgender persons.

The literature search conducted using three sources, i.e., electronic databases (PubMed, ProQuest, Google Scholar, PsycInfo), manual search (library catalog), and gray literature (consultation with experts).

The suicide attempt rate among transgender persons ranges from 32% to 50% across the countries. Gender-based victimization, discrimination, bullying, violence, being rejected by the family, friends, and community; harassment by intimate partner, family members, police and public; discrimination and ill treatment at health-care system are the major risk factors that influence the suicidal behavior among transgender persons.

Transgender people in Denmark face a much higher risk of suicide than any other group, The New York Times reports. Hospital and legal records from almost 7 million Danish people collected over 4 decades reveal that transgender people in the country attempt suicide nearly eight times more frequently than the rest of the population. They also had 3.5 times the rate of suicide deaths, scientists report in The Journal of the American Medical Association. The analysis also showed that, regardless of cause of death, transgender people tend to die younger than the rest of the population. Without survey data to supplement institutional records, the authors note their data set could not capture many transgender people in Denmark; as such, the report may underreport the number of suicides.

U.S. transgender suicide rate 2000-2030
Published by Statista Research Department, Nov 3, 2023
In 2022, around 80 percent of transgender people in the United States had considered suicide, while around 40 percent had attempted suicide. There has been an upward trend in both the considered and attempted suicide rate since 2000, when 61 percent of transgender people considered committing suicide and 28 percent had attempted it.

Sorry to hear this.

Maybe you can convince your child that it's better to wait until at least 18 if not 21 before deciding, give the body and mind time to mature before interrupting the body's cycle.

I mean she can't get a tattoo, drink alcohol, own a firearm, enlist in the military, send nudes, have sex with 18+ partners, etc. legally. 16 is still a minor in most states.

The good news is your daughter is confiding in you.

Research the outcomes of these treatments, and many people end up regretting these decisions, and suing because they were minors; some day she may want children, and there could be complications because of this.

The bigger concern are the surgeries that are basically permanent, have many complications, sterility, etc.

I recommend you research as much as you can; then write a list of your concerns; be open, honest, loving, caring, concerned, non-judgmental, and have a family discussion. Also, be prepared for their objections, emotional responses, and other talking points and call out that the long term effects are not well known, etc. Remain calm, cool, collected resist getting defensive or going on the offense.

I hope it works out for you and your daughter.
Ya I wish my daughter would talk to me at all . been almost 2 years since I’ve saw because I lead a normal life where she comes after school . Does homework them bed. Then her mom came back into picture and became her Uber driver not a mom . She just runs from one friend to another and does even stay with her mom . Usually a friend. It’s fucked . I know it’s not as bad @bills problem with trans but man all these kids are ha i g bigger problems. What’s the reason ?
Ya I wish my daughter would talk to me at all . been almost 2 years since I’ve saw because I lead a normal life where she comes after school . Does homework them bed. Then her mom came back into picture and became her Uber driver not a mom . She just runs from one friend to another and does even stay with her mom . Usually a friend. It’s fucked . I know it’s not as bad @bills problem with trans but man all these kids are ha i g bigger problems. What’s the reason ?
not sure, but social media, decline of morality, decline of accountability, etc. there are studies I've seen that discusses/compares the attention spans of different generations, ages, the younger the people, the shorter their attention span; this leads to cognitive decline and inability to process and consider information, i.e., critical thinking. This is happening with a greater societal emphasis on feelings/emotions, and where many even consider feelings, emotions, lies, etc. > truth, facts, reality. Then there's the goal of many to become famous / influencers, and they're willing to go to great lengths, including debauchery, violence, death, to achieve it.

between the state of the education system, society, and other destructiveness coming at kids from all sides, we are building a future of NPCs; universal basic income, like welfare, will come with terms and conditions, perhaps a social credit score, and reduction of Constitutional rights; creating a new underclass of subservient, controlled masses that will be used by future politicians to gain control...the future brave new world needs its' deltas, gammas and epsilons, and it looks like there will be plenty of volunteers.

of course the first world could collapse into civil, ethnic violence with all the illegal invaders coming into North America and Western Europe, which could result in a new dark age, and neo-feudalism.

If I look around what's happening in the world, I only see destruction of modern civilization, many years of war, famine, disease, suffering, i.e., the new dark age, and the rise of neo-feudal warlords...but we've got a few decades before we get there.
Wow man, you appear to be the forum expert on this subject matter. Congrats. The kid has been in therapy for 2 years. We're doing what we can. The kid attempted suicide when he was 14. So what would you do, Mr. Expert? Even before high school he started showing signs, before all this transgender mind warping from the leftists. shaving his head and whatnot. I still tend to think he's just gay. But everyone that is supposed to know WTF they are talking about told me to get him into therapy, which I did. The kid hates his body. So what else am I supposed to do? Tell him he's a female and make him more upset and risk another attempt at suicide?
I don’t know, maybe start by not referring to your female child as a him, then get her checked into a hospital that gets to the heart of the problem instead of reinforcing complete bullshit. The biggest obstacle that I see standing in the way of her recovery is you and your wife refusing to face reality. The reality is that she won’t ever be a boy, and you and the wife are holding out hope that some fucking woke doctor is going to make her one. For fucks sake, check yourself and the wife in at the same time because daughter isn’t the only one that needs help. If common sense makes me an expert, so be it, and don’t ask for advice on a public forum if you can’t deal with the advise given. Keep going like you are going. Who am I to advise such a happy, stable family.
I don’t know, maybe start by not referring to your female child as a him, then get her checked into a hospital that gets to the heart of the problem instead of reinforcing complete bullshit. The biggest obstacle that I see standing in the way of her recovery is you and your wife refusing to face reality. The reality is that she won’t ever be a boy, and you and the wife are holding out hope that some fucking woke doctor is going to make her one. For fucks sake, check yourself and the wife in at the same time because daughter isn’t the only one that needs help. If common sense makes me an expert, so be it, and don’t ask for advice on a public forum if you can’t deal with the advise given. Keep going like you are going. Who am I to advise such a happy, stable family.
You're making a whole lot of sense.

Here's a better idea.. post the previous 17 usernames you've operated from behind up in here.


(you won't)
Oh check that out, just as I said. Never been here before, why are they ban happy here? I'd shit on you all day from my original account if I had one, I love dunking on retards.

Why not just stick to posting your mediocre guitar licks that no one cares about while trying to overcome your arthritis.