Did a full time road band thing once, way back in 1991-92. Lasted around 18 months total. We signed with GMA out of Mpls, and 'toured' Mn, Wi and did a trip down to Fla. One week per month we played a college bar in our hometown managed by our buddies. That gig was our own, no % to pay our agent. It was fun, lots of ridiculous stories to tell but it's a tough life hotel/motel/'band house' etc....but, we always met cool people that would take us boating, fishing if up north, and have us all over for a big dinner here and there.
We eventually broke up and each of us got into other bands and played weekends for years, with some festivals/casinos mixed in. Looking back, it was an adventure for sure...one time, on our way up to Duluth Mn in Jan 92 we hit an ice rut on the road and it snapped our trailer axle mounts .....luckily, it happened about 500 ft from a gas station/repair shop. Our drummer could weld/build almost anything, and the shop owner let us use his garage and welder for nothing...so we were on our way in short order.
Ahh the good times!