Anyone else out there with no tattoos?

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Yeah. Any tattoo on a woman's body is a tramp stamp no matter what or where it is
My wife has one on her ankle. It is a leafy wreath in the shape of a heart. It has the first letter of each of our son's names inside of it.

I really want to, but I`m still choosing. It must be something special...
Just about everybody I know has at least one tat. Not me. I don’t like them, but I especially hate how they look after a bunch of years has passed.
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None here for me or the wife. All of her kids have them tho.
Mine are covered...especially my back's a dolphin fucking a unicorn.....I have a winged penis wearing a pair of chuck's over my heart....And a capital D on my left butt cheek, and a capital N on the right. I told Dan that didn't make any sense but he said it was the thought that counted.
And a capital D on my left butt cheek, and a capital N on the right. I told Dan that didn't make any sense but he said it was the thought that counted.
Makes sense brudda. D, Asshole, N. He had you branded-and-primed for his dick. :LOL:
If I had money when I was a teenager I probably would have. But not a priority as an adult.
Too high iq for tats ... although I considered getting one several times so maybe not that high iq but still pretty high iq considering I resisted
High iq? Are you a member of MENSA?
I only have 2 small tattoos that were symbols of very important journeys in my life, but I jinxed myself. As soon as I got each of them, what they each represented simply fell apart in my life. There is one that I have wanted to get for almost 20 years, but I know as soon as I get it inked on me, that too will fall apart. So no more tats for me. Having said that, I don't regret getting inked. They still stand for great eras even up until they were ruined.

I also have a "branded" tattoo on my left shoulder that was done around 22 years ago during early college age. Bunch of friends and I were out camping, they all got drunk, they decided to try to brand themselves with a knife they stuck in the fire. I never drank back then, but I was in a very dark masochistic period where I felt I needed physical pain to cope with my young adult anger and rage issues. It's just 3 hash marks, and I decided to have them put 3 on me because I always thought - and still do - everything comes in 3's. Honestly didn't hurt nearly as much as I anticipated. My other friends that did it were flat out screaming in pain; but I just sat there and watched it happen with a smirk on my face. Ah, youth.
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Bakuman now bant.

My whole family has tattoos. I think we have never had any prejudices about this.
Well Ialdam, you're about to experience your first prejudicial incursion: :LOL:

Bant! :gethim:

Bant - Clint & Clyde.gif