Anyone experience this?

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Ok, I’ve been searching and looking to buy a 1968 100W Plexi. I have a couple earlier and later, but not a ‘68.

First off, I’m well aware I’m not going to get an original ‘68 Plexi for $5000. I’m going to have to pay a premium. I get it.

So, I put up a WTB ad on thegearpage and of course, I have had three scammers pm me, supplying email addresses, “my buddy, Hank has a 68 Plexi in great condition at a reasonable price, and he’s selling his collection”…of course, using pictures from Reverb ads, etc … you know the drill?

I’m all good with that, I am used to it and you can spot these guys 100 miles away.

But here’s the part that pisses me off.
A couple of longtime members there have contacted me, informing me that they have an original 1968 100W Plexi that they will sell.

Both - Same exact scenario, they include a couple of pictures, asking if I’m interested, without a price.
I respond and ask all the normal questions, (original transformers?) etc. etc. and then I ask how much they are looking to sell it for.

Both say they are uncertain of the present market pricing and ask me to make an offer.

I’ve played this game before. I make a fair offer, (not a lowball), then suddenly, miraculously, out of the blue, they’re suddenly 100% certain of the current market. ?

It’s like, they have something desirable and they’re just looking to get someone hungry for it and feel good that they own it and I can’t have it. (?)

If they really are looking to sell, why not just give me a price? I mean, THEY BOTH CONTACTED ME.

… because they’re afraid I’ll take it, which ends the game for them?

Maybe they’re just hoping I’ll offer even more than they were prepared to selling the amp for?

Anyone else experience this weird interaction with ‘sellers’, who are not really interested in selling?
Some peeps have nothing better do it would seem. Assholes. :dunno:

Good to see you my brother. :cheers2:
Yup it’s a really weird market right now

Post a wtb buy add and the creatures coming out of the woodwork will astound you
If you don't absolutely have to have the word Marshall on the front, the Suhr SL68 is a part-for-part recreation of a late 68 Plexi, only more reliable and made with parts that actually measure close to what the schematic dictates, as opposed to whatever was lying around Marshall's shop that day 56 years ago. The Suhr also has a pretty good PPI Master, and the amp won't be half a century old yet.
It’s like, they have something desirable and they’re just looking to get someone hungry for it and feel good that they own it and I can’t have it. (?)

If they really are looking to sell, why not just give me a price? I mean, THEY BOTH CONTACTED ME.

car guys do this exact same bullshit... they will approach you at a show or wherever and start going on about all the unobtainable parts they have which havent moved from their garage in 40 years and how its time to sell, you go meet them and all they want to do is show off their shit with no intent to do anything other than let you know they have the part you want and give you the stupid nervous laugh with no answer when you want to know how much. its a weird deal.
You could get both a Suhr sl and something else (metro, PLEX, etc) save yourself the hassle of dealing with these idiots and also, have something brand new that won’t require service.

It may not be as Romantic as a real, 68, but you could burn a candle while you’re shredding if you need some ambience ?‍♂️
Check with Buzz at Lark Street Music in Teaneck NJ. He may have one and is very reputable.

I saw he had a 69 Plexi a few days ago, with the original cab.
Some people just don’t know how dealing works. They would love to sell it at a premium. They figure since you have a wtb ad that you are a motivated buyer. At least their definition of it.

I think it’s OK to politely educate them. Tell them the way it works is someone makes an offer, then the other person can accept/decline/counter-offer. Those are the only options. That’s it, pretty simple.

If might help if you can show some Reverb SOLD prices and then show them how ridiculous most of the asking prices are. That way you can get the whole Reverb-asking-price-nonsense out in the open and that there is zero chance you pay that.
You could get both a Suhr sl and something else (metro, PLEX, etc) save yourself the hassle of dealing with these idiots and also, have something brand new that won’t require service.

It may not be as Romantic as a real, 68, but you could burn a candle while you’re shredding if you need some ambience ?‍♂️

Yes, Corey,
Buying something so rare is definitely not a romantic experience.
At this point, I could probably get a Metro Plex MkII plus a Friedman Plex plus a Suhr SL68 for what a ‘68 Plexi will cost me.

A good buddy of mine has quite a few real Marshalls and has a Suhr SL68 coming tomorrow. Looking forward to his thoughts.
Yes, Corey,
Buying something so rare is definitely not a romantic experience.
At this point, I could probably get a Metro Plex MkII plus a Friedman Plex plus a Suhr SL68 for what a ‘68 Plexi will cost me.

A good buddy of mine has quite a few real Marshalls and has a Suhr SL68 coming tomorrow. Looking forward to his thoughts.
You know the deal. As cool as those modern 'clones' are, still not the real thing. They won't sound the same, no matter what Merren/Marstran/Metro trans are used.

You just have to be patient; one will pop up eventually for a decent price. Just last week, an original 69 metalface SL, laydown PT, all original solder joints for 4500. On Reverb. Gonzo within half a day.

Stalk those sites. You'll find one.
Next time start a thread entitled WTBANYFPBIKTYKWTIW 68 Marshall.

(Want to buy and name your fucking price because I know that you know what this is worth).
See how simple it is?