Anyone experience this?

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You know the deal. As cool as those modern 'clones' are, still not the real thing. They won't sound the same, no matter what Merren/Marstran/Metro trans are used.

You just have to be patient; one will pop up eventually for a decent price. Just last week, an original 69 metalface SL, laydown PT, all original solder joints for 4500. On Reverb. Gonzo within half a day.

Stalk those sites. You'll find one.
There is a reason Marshall's with the old iron seem to have the mojo and people are willing to pay a premium for that experience especially 1968 plexi's for all the obvious reasons.

People that have 1968 Marshall plexi's more than likely know what they have and are going to expect a premium price.
Yes, Corey,
Buying something so rare is definitely not a romantic experience.
At this point, I could probably get a Metro Plex MkII plus a Friedman Plex plus a Suhr SL68 for what a ‘68 Plexi will cost me.

A good buddy of mine has quite a few real Marshalls and has a Suhr SL68 coming tomorrow. Looking forward to his thoughts.
But all of those still won't be a real deal 1968 Marshall Plexi..... as you have owned and played alot of great amps..... I fully understand your quest brother Squarehead.

What ever you do..... before you close on any deal for a 68, make sure you play it so there is no buyers remorse and that it lives up to your expectations. A premium price demands premium performance............:yes:
I’d just get a legit vintage plexi if doable. I tried so many clones claiming to have the right parts and all and just sound like a more filtered version when compared. Whether it’s klons, plexi’s, Dumble, etc I haven’t heard one yet that really got it right (at least the special part)
Check with Buzz at Lark Street Music in Teaneck NJ. He may have one and is very reputable.

I saw he had a 69 Plexi a few days ago, with the original cab.
Agreed. He was great to work with IME
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